TMNT Splintered Fate iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)

1 year ago, DouglasMcGuire

I want to give this game a 4 star but…

Okay, so this game is very well thought out. Which couldn’t have been too hard for the development team because they definitely took inspiration from Hades. Not saying they copied it, but they played it and said “hey… wait a minute…” and BAM this game got made. The upgrades are awesome and it’s fun playing as the different turtles. My gaming computer is currently being repaired, I kind of wondered how I’d spend my night off without it. Turns out, it’s very easy to get lost in this game for 10 hours straight. Usually I play a run or two at a time but this hasn’t felt old yet. Now you might be wondering, why say in your title you want to give it 4 stars then? It absolutely crashes. It seems like the last update helped, but it did crash on me while I was playing tonight. And I’m not on an old device. I was using my M1 iPad Pro 5th Gen. it’s no slouch. But, I’m so impressed with their concept I’ll give them the 5 star away. Seriously though Viacom, patch it a little more. Also, finish the story. I’ve collected all that I can, I think I have 78 achievements out of the 88 if I remember right. Give me more to do!

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1 year ago, durisc0

Great rogue like (similar to hades)

The game plays smooth and I seriously mean this, story is entertaining, characters are va’d well but I have three “complaints” or value of life changes I should say. For one, make it so that you can play multiplayer with randoms and not game center friends because I would love to play this multiplayer but honestly who plays games on game center together? You just make an account become friends on there and join that way. Number two, I feel like some of the character abilities are a little basic like Leonardo’s dash (which wouldn’t be so bad if maybe the range was longer or it did more damage from the get-go. It procced other dash elemental, effects. Donatello’s ability’s are good as well as Michelangelos, the only issue is that they are practically the same abilities, copy and pasted with a a couple different stats. Potentially add some new characters in the future and maybe some skins you can grind for. For example, last ronin Michelangelo. And the last quality of life Request would be to make Shuriken’s or projetiles larger so that you can actually see you were there and have some better reactions speed. This could just be me, but I have a hard time because of how small they are, especially with how hectic some of the rooms get. I think this game has a lot of potential and is a must try. You already have Apple Arcade why not try it?!

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12 months ago, yupoip

This game WOULD BE 5 stars but..

The game itself seems like a very high quality level compared to your average mobile game and great performance. But after spending many hours on the game.. it feels like they dont want you to get far as I kill a boss it now unlocks a much harder form without me knowing and I cannot progress without spending more time on upgrades. I kill the first and second boss and after dying a few times on the third boss I go back to the first boss and now he has third area enemies while I'm only so early into the run and by the time I beat the encounter, I’ve lost all my revives. Other experiences that make me frustrated is the upgrading system, you could gain as much coins in a run to upgrade your stuff to only get 2 upgrades which boost stats you didn't know existed by 6%. The game SCREAMS to get good or so I feel but if you're playing on a phone like I am, there really is a skill cap that is hard to rise. I think a way to improve on this difficulty system is to grab some ideas/inspiration from Hades or Dead Cells where when you FULLY beat a run you now have the option for risk and reward where the run can be optionally changed to be harder but give better rewards instead of unknowingly spike in difficulty permanently after beating the second or first boss. I AM TELLING YOU, the potential this game would have if there wasn't such a trash difficulty system and slow progression.

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11 months ago, Can I have my save file back?

Good game but it has issues

It is a simple,fun, and is in most cases has very few issues. One such issue is when I have need to stop playing when I’m in the middle of a run it will either restart the run or make me restart the level I was on(which I don’t mind doing) and a few times redo the level before as well and twice I have stopped playing and it has completely erased my entire save so all my work gone is gone I’m back to square one, another small issue is the amount of powerful elite enemies you have to deal with after just beating the first boss and after beating the first boss a few times you will have to deal with these red foot enemies that one have a good bit of health, can hit rather hard up close and at range, often show up in twos and sometimes show up multiple times a level, and teleport but the real kick in the pants is you could have to fight them just after the sewer mini-boss it’s a good game but it could use work in certain areas,

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1 year ago, Mikechatma87

Old School fun. New school Problems.

Fun game seriously. Reminds me of playing on Super Nintendo with my mom when I was a kid with better controls and graphics. Couple of problems- The first is that it regularly crashes and shuts off during boss fights. It’s fine because it allows to join back before the boss fight- (and that works out if I was about to lose) and if I’m two hits away from a win then being forced to start over is a huge pain. Second- I love the idea of multiplayer but why do I only have to play with game center friends? You can’t even meet with randos and add them to play later. It’s crazy to me that in 2023 there’s not a function to allow this. You can’t compete without letting us make new friends on games we like but our actual friends may not be in to. What ends up happening is I’ll have to choose between a game I like and people I like. We all choose people unless you can provide people or at least a chance to meet them. But the biggest issue is still the crashing. I’m playing the newest model iPad as well so I’m assuming it should optimized to play.

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6 months ago, Humamadrey

3 stars until some issues are fixed, but it’s very promising.

I’ve been against the pay to play racket that is degenerating what would be great games. This game is definitely leaps and bounds in the right direction. I just started playing this game after it has been put for for almost a year. There are some issues with artifacts and abilities being buggy and not activating when they should. Also the overwhelming mobs of enemies with constant environmental hazards and projectile attacks are impossible to dodge. And if you manage to dash to evade those attacks, you only end up being struck by the same attacks wherever the uncoordinated dash action determines you relocate. I want to give this a five star so bad, and if these issues get fixed, you’ll get my five star approval. But aside from those complaints, the music is great and the majority of the gameplay really gets your undivided attention. Great job, guys.

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11 months ago, slothrop86

Amazing rogue-lite brings real gaming to Arcade

An amazing, well thought out and executed Turtle game. The mechanics are simple, each Turtle has their own strengths, and there’s co-op to boot. Clear rooms to win, then lose, then upgrade, then repeat. To people saying this is a Hades clone - yeah? But, have you ever played a Rogue-type game before? Hades built on the success of so many games before it. Hades is a Bastion clone. Hades is a Binding of Isaac clone. And they’re all Rogue clones, but no one even remembers that was even a game, not a genre. If you’re calling this a rip-off of Hades, you’re calling all Rogue type games a ripoff of…Rogue. But they’re not, because iteration is the key to success in this genre, and if you’re getting tilted over this game being similar (they’re not the same) you’re just angry to be angry. This game brings plenty new, and many simplified for mobile, aspects to the table. Great game, give it a shot, you won’t regret it.

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5 months ago, Dt he fb h

This game is amazing

I think this game is amazing because it gives you lots of details on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and what their license is like. I also think that teach me turtles are a very good game. It’s really hard to make a movie or TV show into a game and make it realistic. But my main thing is graphics are amazing showing how like showing how old they are. It tells you how old they are like it says Leonardo he’s the oldest Rafael the second oldest the third oldest, and then Michaelangelo the youngest and it has April, and it shows how they really would react if splinter was gone because Leonardo was my favorite character but I think all of them all the characters are amazing so I recommend playing this game if you’re looking for a teenage mutant ninja turtles game this is control compatible so you’re able to play with a Backbone or controller so I think this is what I would recommend if I were you guys

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12 months ago, BatmanWhKn

Pretty Fun all around..

If you like Rouge likes and Ninja Turtles then this games right up your alley. Took me about 15 runs before I beat it the first time, and I’m excited to see what else changes. All the Dialogue in the game is voice acted and really well done, each of the Turtles are fun to play as and fairly unique by default. The boss fights are fun and challenging, and they evolve nearly every run which keeps things fresh. I’d love another couple playable characters like Splinter or Slash and maybe some costumes, but regardless this game is way too good to just be an IOS title. I hope they port it to consoles and PC, because I’d definitely pay for this. If you’ve never played a Rouge like before this is a great starting point, especially seeing as how it’s free. Also has controller support… which I have no clue how to use but I’m sure that’d be nice too. Highly recommend.

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1 year ago, obscurelyfamous

Surprising gem from Apple Arcade

In a library of quickly and casual games, this TMNT title stands out as a highly polished console-quality game. If you like Hades, then this is basically Hades with Ninja Turtles. It has a AA level quality to it: accessible gameplay that can get deep, content variety, and presentation polish complete with voice acting. It even has deep cut appearances from lesser known TMNT characters and storylines. Noteworthy point is that touch controls are fine but it’s a different game with a controller. Like with Dead Cells, you can get by with touch but you probably won’t want to once you try a controller. This game implements controller well and it doesn’t feel like an afterthought. However I think it needs to update the game attributes so that the Backbone app detects the support.

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11 months ago, Jamez da tank engine

An issue with bosses

This game is really really REALLY good. Better than any other mobile game I’ve ever played. One thing though, that has been bothering me nonstop, is happening either, in the Bebop and Rocksteady Boss battle, or the final Shredder boss fights. For the Bebop and Rocksteady one, it happens right when I’m about to finish Bebop off and win. The screen turns black for a second, then it just kicks me out of the game. Sending me to my Home Screen. For the Shredder fight, it’s when I’ve beat about 25% of Mystic Shredder’s health bar. Same thing again. Black screen then kicks me out. I’m also on the final reward which is saving Splinter and I always get so close to finishing. It’s like I get lucky with finishing the Bebop and Rocksteady fight. I don’t know what to do or if others have experienced this same problem or if anyone can give me some help here. Overall though, without the buggy fights. This is a 10/10 game for me.

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1 year ago, BuffBurritoBoy

Great Game

One of the better mobile games I have played. Has a lot of heart when it comes to the lore and dialogue and very great gameplay to go with it. Feels really unique when compared to other mobile games and is definitely worth the Apple Arcade subscription. Only issue I have at the moment is with the latest patch whenever I get close beating Bebop and Rocksteady my game crashes, preventing me from going further and restarting the entire boss from square one. I have not been able to progress at all since this bug has started. I know it’s going to be fixed anyway later on so it doesn’t bother me too much. Only thing is for it would be nice if we could have a way to send in bug reports because the only way I could find to talk about it was this review. Regardless I am loving this game and it has so much potential

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12 months ago, Toast nuke

Really Great, Needs online Co-Op

I’m not one to write reviews on games but this game is actually really great. All the turtles feel good to use and progressing and getting stronger feels really satisfying. The art and voice acting for all the characters is really great they all sound how you think they would and almost every piece of dialogue has actual voice acting. The only thing I think this game needs is online co-op as of now you can only play with Game Center friends, if you could connect with ANYONE who had the game it would definitely benefit. I hope they add it in eventually, I love this game so far and I want to see it get even better. Thank you devs for a super sick TMNT mobile game

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1 year ago, Verstedt

Absolutely Fantastic Little Roguelike Game

I’ve spent a *good* 3 hours playing this game so far… Its a wonderful mobile TMNT adaptation of a roguelike. You WILL die… But you’ll collect things along the way to make you more powerful for the next run. The combat feels really fluid for all 4 turtles. (Each having different fighting styles and skills of course) and being able to pick and choose freely between runs is very fun. The progression feels good so far, I haven’t gotten sick of the combat, and while it may get a bit repetitive after a while with how much content there is at the moment- it’s only a feeling of “maybe” and at this point, it’s still quite satisfying. This joins Sneaky Sasquatch among the Arcade games I think are must plays.. Controller Support is also flawless I should add… Better than any other mobile game I’ve played.. Some games at times, you just gotta touch the screen cause it’s simply easier. (Grabbing anything in Sasquatch) Not this game… Never needed to take my hands off the game pad. Well done.

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11 months ago, Great, but needs work game

It is awesome! 😍😍😍

This game is so great it feels like you are actually a ninja, and I know that this game is totally worth playing. This game is really fun because you can beat bosses and complete levels. What is also great about this game is that when you die you have to start over, and I think that is really cool because you can challenge your self to beat your score. But I also think is amazing about this game is that you can play with your friends and do it solo. I think this game is definitely worth it.

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5 months ago, Baconatorbits

Love game but glitches erase progress

This is the best game I have played in decades. However….it glitches during multiplayer mostly. Sometimes minor, sometimes major. Sometimes sever to the point where it erases your entire game. I got so far in it once, it glitched and there was nothing to do to fix it. All progress was erased. I was heartbroken. I picked myself up and tried again to continue…. Made great progress again starting over from scratch. GLITCHED AGAIN AND LOST EVERYTHING. My heart broken again. I’m stunned as to why the developers basically said, “Too bad” when I emailed them the first time. Play and have fun, enjoy it! It’s awesome! But be prepared to lose progress with multiplayer and definitely DO NOT TRY TO STOP AND RESTART ANY GAMES.

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5 months ago, FCBarca04

Weird dragon coin negation. BEWARE!!

Amazing game to play with my partner. Always been a fan of TMNT. So glad it’s free to play with an Arcade subscription. Multiplayer was tremendously fun to play with as we didn’t have issues play with connectivity. However it ruined the experience when all of sudden it said we owed negative dragon coins when we switched from multiplayer to single play. When we tried switching back to multiplayer, the negative dragon coin continued with us. Not sure if it was just a bug of playing multiplayer first before doing single player. I’m pretty sure it was cause of what we spent in multiplayer mode. Needs to be fixed and better yet changed for saved profiles as it shows we are -500 dragon coins.

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9 months ago, Rxlnhn

One Major Issue

This game is very close to perfect. It captures the rouge style perfectly, and even though I am not a fan of TMNT, the story is exceptional. I would give it five stars, except for the issues with game saving. I noticed small issues early on, when I would lose an upgrade or two, or when I closed the game during a good run it would sometimes restart me. This was slightly annoying, but still fine. Then I got reset back to the run where I had just defeated the first boss and lost all of my upgrades. (I had made it all the way to Shredder’s phase 2) This tanked my interest in the game. I would love to play this game again if this ever gets fixed.

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10 months ago, Amatello

Really great…except 1 thing!

I really love the gameplay and rpg elements and I love that I can tell the developers are fans of classic TMNT storylines and characters. This game really is very well done so congrats. I am very disappointed to say that after playing for some time when I get to certain levels like the gauntlet challenges where you face two bosses it always and forever will crash halfway through the level. I have tried all the tricks like uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing has helped it just keeps crashing. I have an iPhone 12 so not to old to support at all. This leaves me in tears cause I was so excited to go further with this game. Good job to the creators! It’s a wonderful game! I wish I could play it further!

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10 months ago, Shaftjman

Great while it lasts

I love this game. I’m a big fan of TMNT and this game gives me a lot of good vibes. It’s easy enough to enjoy and difficult enough to challenge. Sometimes I wish the game had more playable characters from the TMNT universe. It would be cool to unlock skins even or new characters or moves as the game progress to help break up the monotony. Unfortunately though, I was almost to the end of unlocking all of the upgrades. I only had about 4-7 achievements to complete and the game completely deleted my progress. After months of passively playing the game. I definitely did not want to play it anymore. The game has many glitches and crashes. That one is like the death sentence. Without out the glitches and the unfortunate death, I would rate it a 5 star game.

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1 year ago, Jiggy viper

Good game but needs checkpoint

The game is good it’s fun but the reason why it’s a 4 star for me is cos there’s no checkpoint,I mean you defeat villains after villains and when you get killed you end up going back to the lair and start fighting the same villains you’ve killed over again,just doesn’t make sense to me I feel it would be better if there’s a checkpoint whereby when you’re defeated you go back to the previous stage where you defeated the last villain rather than going back to the lair and starting over again cos the lives they give also run out quickly,so if they can add the checkpoint then it would be perfect

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1 year ago, StateChamp55

Good Start… Excited for what’s next!

This game is a refreshing mix of both nostalgia and challenge, requiring nimble (and maybe smaller) thumbs and adaptive eyes. The gameplay is smooth and diverse, with each Turtles fighting style feeling unique, the skills development system offer plenty of options, while the use of multiple resources makes every encounter’s reward feel like I’m live on a round of Let’s Make a Deal! The button layout is a bit concentrated, and the storyline takes a while to develop, but the visuals are energetic and the nostalgic feeling is captured perfectly. Grab a buddy, or three, and get ready to get gnarly with your favorite Half-Shell Heroes!

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4 months ago, GOD OUTACONTROL

Why not 5 stars?

This game is lacking only one thing and that’s quick match to play with anybody who is playing on their game instead of people manually from people that you personally know where the chance of people playing games with friends that would like to play the same thing they like is very low with that said if they would have implemented a quick match feature to play with anybody in the world searching for a match for a co-op fun experience with a full team of turtles this game would hands-down be five star best game of the year. Sadly, that’s not the case so it’s 4 stars.

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7 months ago, M. Palo

I would like it if the controller icons were bugged out.

I heard some good things about this game and seems to have high review scores. So, I downloaded it and gameplay wise, it’s not bad. It’s something that I could spend some time on, expect for one issue. I played about 5 minutes using my Backbone controller for a more comfortable gameplay experience and oddly enough, the controller button icons were glitched out, meaning I can’t memorize which button does what. I don’t if this problem is exclusive to Backbone controllers or what, but I severely wish the developers would fix this issue in an update or something, just so I can continue playing.

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1 year ago, Workerrrz

TLDR: Not Original - Copied completely from Hades

Started playing this game and initially enjoyed it. The more run through I did the more I realized this concept and game has completely been copied from Hades on Nintendo Switch. Hades is one of the best games on Switch and every element of Hades has been plagiarized here. New conversations after every death. Check. Buying upgrades for repetitive play throughs? Check. Changing characters to use different weapons (or in hades just using different weapons)? Check. Playing the same levels with increased difficulty as you level up? Check. Bosses that come back from the dead for every run through? Check. Yawn. Just yawn. Deleted the game for the lack of originality and their weak decision to copy a game and just replace it with TMNT characters.

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1 year ago, heather_memphis901

Tonight I dine of Hades soup

Grew up with TMNT and absolutely adore Hades, so slam dunk right? It is quite good, mechanics are fun and mostly playable with touch controls. The story doesn’t cohere with the powers as much as the divine boons do in Hades but that’s asking a lot. The biggest issue I have and what gives it a solid 2, edging 3 stars is the stability. To lose a 30 minute run because I left the app to make a text is abhorrent. It doesn’t happen every time. Sometimes it just kicks it back to the beginning of the room (with new reward rolls I might add) but to be babysitting this game will make it very hard to come back to. Please improve the check pointing for when the game has to release memory and I’ll improve my score

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1 year ago, TEVOGOTTI23

Great Game but I do have a wish

Hands down the best game I have played in a while. I have beating the game 70 times now and have came across something i think needs to be worked on. Lets talk about the Artifacts. I think when we choose a specific artifact, it should show up as a choice in every turtle upgrade. As of now, if i pick the flame artifact it rarely shows up in turtle upgrades which defeats the purpose. Or at least change the percentage from 22.5% to 50%. Please look into this developers 🙏🏾

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6 months ago, Creamcicle master

Awesome Hades Clone

Gameplay from Hades with TMNT! What a combo! This is a great game worth playing. Haven’t played it co-op, but single player is amazing. All deaths are due to lack of skill, I have no ran into a point where I lost to anything cheap and undodgeable. I am not amazing at this game, but you can grind and improve your characters after every run to help you out. Amazing players will not many upgrades, bad players will just need to grind longer and they will learn to dodge attacks and have more powerful characters when they get there.

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12 months ago, RagnarPDX

Starting Tips

If having trouble with combat, just focus on persistent elemental damage applied with dash. Ooze is a fast route to this; but I prefer Fire. That said, with the tool Ooze Shuriken all shurikens fired by any upgrades becomes Ooze Shurikens, inflicting persistent ooze damage without risk. Donatello heals a bit between levels. Once you unlock the first shimmering portal all turtles can acquire this early in their runs; but he’s likely best until then. If having rotten luck on level rewards, restart the game to randomize the selection. When in your lair, be selective on your upgrades Dream - Focus on economics to get more dragon coins faster. Dragon - Focus on Dash, Pizza, and Elemental Damage. Objects - Save your money for Fuzzy Dice, as it makes all the elemental ones obsolete. Bug report: If rescuing Splinter during a gauntlet challenge, next time Shredder will give the wrong dialogue believing Splinter is still a captive.

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1 year ago, Junebug JoJo

Apple! Bravo!

Finally a TMNT game worth playing on mobile! However I will say, it would be nice to have people online you can play with as partners if you don’t have friends who play the game. Besides story mode the online play would help if people want partners. Anyway. It’s taken too long for a game like this to come about. Graphics are nice. Gameplay is smooth. And you get the best of all 4 turtle brothers lol. The creation of this game is amazing. The creator needs major credit for making this!!

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1 year ago, ur inbred

Weenie hut jr players need to get good or quit

People complaining about starting from the beginning have never played a roguelike before and are completely missing the point. The game isn’t perfect but the gameplay loop is straight up stripped from other roguelikes; most notably hades. Go play a different genre if you don’t like starting from the beginning, as it’s an inherent part of the these games, and I hope the devs don’t budge on that aspect. Also please make the projectiles stand out more cuz they’re hard to see and tend to blend in with the stage.

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1 year ago, wabahki


Fun and simple, each turtle has different skills and it works. The game kinda feels repetitive I wish you could choose the stage or the story would be slightly different every time. I’m always losing at bee bop and rock steady. Regardless game is fluid and fine. The only thing I dont like is the multiplayer, you can’t play with just random people and I wish you could. Playing solo is hard because to actually enjoy the game entirely you need all the turtles in action. Please add that to an update.

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1 year ago, elrambonator

Wonderful everything!

Gameplay is smooth, the turtles have unique fighting styles, story and dialogue is good, the voice acting is great and just overall fantastic and really fun! It’s very difficult but I like that each run starts at the beginning kinda like the original TMNT arcade games. Great job! Something I would suggest is to make the buttons on the screen either much bigger or their “hit box” bigger so you can still press the button even if you miss it slightly.

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1 year ago, the gems are mine

Redesign ideas

First of all I love this game and I want to give constructive feedback to make this game perfect First Michelangelo and Donatello’s specials are very similar you could try to make Donatello’s ability something related to his tech savvy personality like summoning robots or maybe an electric stun. Next is Leonardo’s special it’s just another dash he’s meant to be the team leader you could do a rally cry of some sort if your going for a more offensive style for him you could do something with his healing abilities like a temporary shield similar to what some enemies have. Finally the tools they are perfect but I believe we should be allowed to chose it from the get go instead of having one based on your character and having the small chance to change it later in an upgrade section

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1 year ago, killerdriver123

Need Chuck Norris to beat the first sewer.

Does anyone not notice how this is waaaayyy too difficult? Even with three experienced gamers playing in co-op, all we do is die on the first sewer! And then you have to repeat it from the beginning of the sewer even if you’ve beat the Mini boss! Cant there be some check point restart?! And why cant I pick a different turtle during co-op? Then I cant even walk away from the game for 15 seconds without being kicked out for “idleness” like what is that? I had really high hopes since I’ve been a TMNT fan since it came out in the 90’s, but what a phenomenal letdown . This game is completely unbalanced and needs more work. Fix this please!!!!!! On the plus side it does look pretty. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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4 months ago, BRad2583

Could be better

This game is designed by lazy developers. Thieves as well. So you make it to the rooftops, just to die and start from scratch each time. If you enjoy mindlessly facing the same exact thing over and over and over than this trash is for you. Imagine playing a game, that provides almost zero healing with 99 stages. No progress to save as you go, and dying at 96, just to have to start all over again. Do not waste your time or space on your electronic device with this rubbish. It’s developed by lazy people who couldn’t actually put a game together so it literally is a never ending gauntlet. Again, if you like repeating everything, every time, than this is for you.

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7 months ago, Bsmerecky

Issues with controller

Game seems fun, however I’m using a backbone controller and the buttons on the controller are blurry on the screen. I’m assuming this is a bug issue. For example I can see that the main attack is Square button on my controller and it also shows on the game..: but the triangle button, circle button and X button are all blurred out in the game… so I have no clue what move does what. Kind of hard to learn the game. Same thing with pause… the pause button is blurred out on the game screen..

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11 months ago, brentacPrime

Great family time

We play together as a family often. A few of us have maxed out everything you can with dreamer coins and one of us is close to maxing out dragon coins. Biggest complaint is the person that hosts glitches in the 4th chapter. Character will loose all their scrap, only have one dash, and many other problems and it is incredibly frustrating. Waiting patiently for this fix! And to see if they expand the game more, or else I’m moving on to something new.

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1 year ago, Xxbbgg

Great gameplay but one flaw

I really love this game and have played for hours I have an iPad mini 6 and a iPhone 14 pro max that I play on. Since downloading I noticed that using a special tool or dash tool doesn’t respond all the time. I can move but when pushing the attack or special tool button nothing happens causing me to get hit multiple times without being able to defend myself. I have to have the character stop moving wait a second then it works after I lost most of my health.

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1 year ago, Suraza

Lost progress trying to switch devices. General glitches.

The game is beautiful and fun, but… Game glitches a lot in multiplayer. My son was hosting and wouldn’t follow us to the next room. We kept getting kicked out. His screen kept locking up. So we tried moving him to the iPad with the same Game Center account. Got an error so we went back to his phone and tried ending the game we had going and then he lost all his progress and it was removed from both devices… not sure exactly what happened, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to get his progress back.

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9 months ago, 山寨米糊

Good game but some issues

I can’t reach the darkest soul achievement, although I have equipped the war staff and run through all the portals and even defeated all the challenge bosses. I hope you can update this game frequently. I have played this game many times, and now I desire new things. When I have a run with all portals, I always can’t get any dices after defeating a challenge mid boss and a challenge big boss. There should be more dices.

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1 year ago, Toolofopiate

Its like Hades only with Turtles!

If you took Hades and made a tmnt mod this is the game you would play. Its a action rpg rogue like. You upgrade and die upgrade and die you keep the permanent upgrades so your more powerful each run. Graphics are stellar. Looks like you can be all the turtles not sure of special characters. The more you play the more the story opens up and more options are available to you. Controls for touch screen work perfect.

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7 months ago, Foolslayer 06

Good, but needs a thing or two

This game is a very interesting take on the tmnt game formula. It’s the hack and slash action we expect from the series as well as the emphasis on playing together. I have one problem with that though. Can you make it where you can team up with people around the world? It’s kind of hard to complete with just one player and I cannot find anyone who wants to play. Other than that, I like different elemental abilities and is overall a good game.

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6 months ago, Bigscarr1017


This game is really cool. I didn’t know I could use my Xbox controller. It actually makes it a lot easier. I highly recommend using an Xbox controller if you have one. I think this game is really exciting and a good way to pass time if you get tired of playing your game system sometimes or if you’re just chilling downstairs in your living room or whatever you’re doing this game is a really good way to pass time

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11 months ago, B. Erquhart

This game is legendary

This game is awesome just one problem it’s pretty easy to die and I’m just sick of trying and trying over and over again to beat something that my 7year old little bro can beat in his sleep but anyway what I have to say does not matter this game is easy to get and fun to play this is actually my sec fav game and I’m glad they included bosses and shops and the anime perfect from the actual show and I’m glad they include permanent upgrades for your character P.S recommend Leonardo -Ben

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1 month ago, Matt-ablueP

Game is 5 stars if it didn’t loose my saved game.

The game is a lot of fun and well made besides the bug that causes your save file to disappear. I have over 10 hours in the game and lost my save file because the game didn’t sync correctly for some reason. Does not seem to be a way to recover your file which makes no sense that it’s not saved locally on your phone. Besides this issue the game is great and is a TMNT Hades style game play where you do runs over and over and increase in power and skills as you gain currency for each run. Overall was a great time while it lasted.

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1 year ago, Zeek1227

Apple Arcade redeemed.

This feels and plays like a full featured console game. This is what I wanted from Apple Arcade. Coop multiplayer, persistent progression, an interesting story, and the rogue like elements just add spice to every run you do. The game runs smooth even on an outdated iPhone, and it looks great in a cartoonish style. It reminds me of Soul Knight without the paid aspects, more three dimensional graphics, and a heavier focus on melee combat. Really great release we need to see more of this on Apple Arcade.

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11 months ago, gigafarkhouse


This is a fun game but needs a lot of work. Multi player is non existent, as others have noted. You can only play with others thru Game Center only. Who does that. The difficulty is crazy. Also, upgrades don’t stick. Bought many permanent (I think, nothing tells you otherwise) like heath upgrades but they don’t carry over. Not sure how to upgrade abilities. Hope these things get worked out. Otherwise, could be going to the delete option on my phone. Really has great potential though.

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1 year ago, jay emmmm

TMNT twisted fate

I absolutely love this game. The graphics are phenomenal, as well as the gameplay, many choices for weapon upgrades, powers, and many characters to battle. Haven’t got all the way through it, but they should have a mode that creates easy, medium and hard gameplay. Another thing is, although it’s graphics are good and definition within the game the characters themselves are small, except for some of the bosses and people you fight but the genuineness is to be applauded well done.

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8 months ago, Deathbed2376

One game to try

This is a definitely game that you need to try right now if you’re reading this. If you’re listening to this, you need to play this game. It has pretty good graphics has a lot of action one of those ability run games now it may not be easy at the start, but as you do more runs, you can unlock more abilities, artifacts, and so on you should definitely try this game.

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Splinter is captured. The Foot Clan are on the attack. New York City is in chaos! Enter the FIGHT, ADAPT, REPEAT portal loop of Splintered Fate to set things straight. When Splinter is kidnapped by Shredder, mysterious portals simultaneously appear across NYC. With April and Metalhead analyzing recovered artifacts for clues, the Turtles battle to recover their father from the clutches of the Foot Clan. However, as the gang gets ever ​closer to Splinter’s otherworldly location, an even greater threat lingers in the shadows… - Roguelike action game!- Fast, visceral and exciting combat puts you in the middle of Turtle brawls - No two runs are the same- Randomized power-ups, room layouts, and boss modifiers for gnarly fun! - Play your favorite Turtle- Take control of all four Turtles, each with unique powers and abilities - Unite the Brothers- Bodacious co-op gameplay with up to four players - Travel through iconic TMNT NYC locations- Starting in the sewers and ending in an epic rooftop battle! - Upgrade your Turtle powers- Unlock and level-up your powers to become a master ninja - Defeat your enemies- Face off against a host of classic TMNT foes and factions TMNT Splintered Fate collects personal user data as well as non-personal user data (including aggregated data). User data collection is in accordance with applicable law, such as COPPA. User data may be used, for example, to respond to user requests; enable users to take advantage of certain features and services; personalize content; and manage and improve Nickelodeon's services. For more information regarding Nickelodeon’s use of personal user data, please visit the Nickelodeon Group Privacy Policy below. Our Privacy Policy is in addition to any terms, conditions or policies agreed to between you and Apple, Inc., and Nickelodeon and its affiliated entities are not responsible for Apple's collection or use of your personal user data and information. Use of this app is subject to the Nickelodeon Terms of Use Agreement. For users residing in the EU, TMNT Splintered Fate may include the use of persistent identifiers for game management purposes and installation of this app constitutes your permission to such usage of persistent identifiers for all users on your device. Terms of Use Agreement: Privacy Policy: The Terms of Use Agreement for this app includes arbitration for disputes – see FAQs:

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TMNT Splintered Fate iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.