The Terrarian of DXD - theironcrafty (2024)

Chapter Text

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It had been a rather calm and peaceful day in Kuoh, and a crimson haired teen wearing a Victorian style school uniform was watching the clouds fly by outside of a window in an old schoolhouse. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she frowned, “Its getting closer, and I’m still no closer on finding a way out of this farce of a marriage… I need to find something, or someone that will give me the edge against him…” growing a frustrated look in her eye, she turned and started to walk away from the window only to feel a powerful pulse of magic.

Eyes opening wide, she rushes back and looks in the direction the power came from and sees a large beam of pixelized rainbow light in the woods outside of Kuoh, “that power… maybe… whatever that power came from can help me…” not a moment later, a red circle of magic formed near her palm as a black bat flew out, “I need you to investigate the source of that magic” finished, she gestures to the slowly dissipating light and the bat slowly flew above into the skies.

Once more, she looked out the window with a hopeful look in her eye as she watched her familiar slowly disappear from her view.

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Opening my eyes, I was greeted by a pixelated aurora of light and a feeling of weightlessness as I felt myself begin to slowly descend to the earth below. After I landed, the pixels blocking my vision started to slowly fade away and I was greeted by the scenery of a beautiful forest with a stream running through.

“Wow… so I guess it really happened. I’m in the world of DXD… haah… at least my entrance was cool… Oh f*ck. My entrance!” freezing as I thought about how I entered the world, I got beamed down magic rainbow style… there’s no way in hell that there wasn’t at least one person that noticed, let alone the hundreds that probably did.

“Welp, time to get the f*ck out of here! Umm… how does this work…?” I closed my eyes, trying to grasp onto some new unknown feeling in my body, finding nothing I tried to will the portal in front of myself, only to get a terraria menu in my head as I did. Creating a new world was as simple as clicking on the option and having a ring swirl a myriad of colors, finally settling on purple and green, the outer ring taking on a tinge of red.

Moving my hand up with a swish, the portal to my first world opened.

Stepping out of the portal, I was greeted by a lush plain dotted with the occasional oak or pine tree. The birds flew by without a care in the world, and the sounds of civilization were gone.

“Its so… beautiful…” my breath hitched as I took in the wonderful sight around me, the world looked so alive and teeming with life. Untouched by the pollution of man…

My awe was interrupted by a small green slime, that was slowly hopping to me.

Remembering about my inventory, I pulled out the most powerful weapon in Terraria, the copper short-sword.

Taking a breath in as the small green blob hopped closer, I did my most powerful move!

A stab!

Poking through the rubber like skin I felt a slight resistance until the skin began bursting apart into specks of light and dropping a small mound of green gel, instantly shooting forward into my inventory.

Opening up said inventory, not sure of what it contains as the sword was the only thing I knew for certain I had on me. Seeing the deep blue screen of the menu appear in front of me. Glancing at the hot-bar, my sword taking its rightful place in the first space followed by more copper tools, a starter bag full of goodies, some traveller clothes that also includes a wig on hat? And finally, a shimmery disc called a spatial disc. I’ll figure out which path later for that…

Surprisingly it also seems the… guy? ROB? Eldritch being that wouldve haunted my dreams had I seen its actual form? Had been a decent bloke and gave me some healing potions, that just might come in handy.

Nodding at the display and stowing away my sword, I begin to walk around the large plain periodically knocking down trees as I come across them, stowing away any other materials I find, including the odd red and orange mushroom that I can use for healing if I ever get hurt.

Though a bit after that, I realised I had yet to see myself from my own eyes and glanced into a nearby pond to check my reflection.

Looking down, I was greeted by the deep blue eyes I had chosen, framed by a head of pale blue hair that surprisingly didn’t look out of place on a real body, the next thing I notice, my outfit. A plain white t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans… “How plain… ignoring my very anime-esq hair, that is…

Stopping my examination, I set back to gathering materials not noticing my lapse in concentration had me miss a jutting ledge on the ground causing me to fall and trip, “OH-” falling face first onto the ground before slowing sitting back up, “Damn Terraria generation! You’ve haunted me since the release of the game with your small ledges!!!!!” crying out as I shook my fist at the sky.

The crushing of some grass behind me had me jumping forward thinking it was another enemy. Spinning around as I jumped away, I saw someone facing away from me. Brown hair, and a long-sleeved beige shirt. ‘Is he… the guide?’

Glancing around, the man turned towards me a slight startle as he spots me. “Ah, Greetings Caelus. I’m Seth, your ‘guide’ I suppose you could call me. I’m not much of a fighter nor builder but I can give you some solid advice on what to craft to help you progress or info on areas to find materials and what can be crafted with them.” holding his hand out, I shake it.

Frowning as I tilt my head, “Hello… I suppose? how did you learn my name?” slowly letting go of his hand as a smirk grows on his face.

A small chuckle escapes his smirk turned grin, “Ah, I am your guide after all. Though I suppose some explanations are in order.” Cracking his knuckles as he spoke, “lets see where to start… ah! Lets start with the how, as your guide I’m given… knowledge about everything you might need to know about this world as long as its relating to the questions you ask. I know your name as that Is part of my ‘purpose’ a strange feeling, but its also quite… peaceful in a way, knowing that my reason for existence is to help others to grow. Ah, I suppose I should talk about that as well, this is not my first rodeo as the saying goes.”

Taking a moment to phrase his words, “in the ever-expanding collection of universes, the systems exist. Some posses RPG powers like the first, others only gain levels and no skills, some gain skills, and no levels. Some like yourself gain access to the world within a game and all that comes with it. Others… get shops or Gacha or even chat groups that link people from different ‘verses’. Thankfully since some system users grow so powerful, they are… separated from other system users as some, not all mind you but some grow mad with power… not often but it does happen and sometimes other system users that are strong enough to travel the multiverse are sent to defeat them.”

Nodding to himself he continued, “and to answer your question, I and any other ‘Townsfolk’ that come to this land after you meet the requirements are apart of your system, and since we are apart of your system we get a general idea of who you are, nothing major just your name, appearance, and a basic idea of your personality. Oh, not to say we aren’t ‘people’ we do in fact have feelings, opinions, wants and needs like any other person. But we don’t require as much as a normal human, no food, nor water, though you might see some of use eating or drinking here and there. We might not need sustenance, but its definitely something we enjoy. Its more akin to a novelty but it does let us recover faster.”

Tapping his chin as he racked his brain for a better comparison, “Oh! I guess if you were looking for a more apt term for us, we are similar to heroic spirits from the Nasu-verse. I suppose you could call us Terra Spirits? Though without the battling prowess and heroic tales of the past. We can fight but… most of us aren’t very battle oriented… we do share similarities with them though, food gives us more energy to heal and fight, I’m not certain but gods or godlike beings might be able to sense us… this system has yet to go to a user in a world with gods, so I can’t say for certain until I get an idea of the power level of this world…”

Rubbing my temples, I can only hold my hand up in protest. Unable to try and understand any more what he was explaining, “Too much info at once. Helpful info, but I need some time to… parse through it, just let me think for a moment…”

Getting a nod, I’m grateful for the reprieve. Sitting for several minutes as I contemplate everything he’s talked about, I pause in thought, ‘I wonder if I’ll be capable of multiversal travel… I don’t know much about the terraria power scaling levels to the worlds, but I believe that I might be able to at some point… maybe if I can become a dragon? I might need that level of power to get passed the two dragons in the dimensional gap… I read a few reddit theories that people believe it might be able to travel passed the DxD realms into the multiverse… its been described as a ‘kaleidoscope’ before so maybe the Nasu-verse reference wasn’t completely unrelated?

Nodding to myself, “I see… I might ask for more knowledge later, but for now…” glancing up at the sky as I talk, “it seems its already passed midday, I know terraria well and even though I have some basic gear, I have no proper training to wield it nor any other weapons. So I’d prefer getting a house set up first.”

Watching as Seth grimaced, “Sounds good… unfortunately I’m not going to be much help there… I have knowledge, not skill… well, technically I know how to use a bow but that’s about it, I could teach you later if you want? (just don’t expect me to answer questions often if the living conditions are sh*t)” finishing off with a whisper I could barely hear.

Snorting at his proclamation, “Sure, maybe sometime tomorrow or the day after. I want to get this house built and to start getting some better gear.”

Building was… weird. It had the auto-connecting blocks from terraria making all the wood I placed down look like they were never separate in the first place, but it felt more akin to a Minecraft build than one from terraria… though that might be because terraria was a 2-d game…

Though, I had only built my house. The few others had come as an ‘insta-house’ from my Fargo’s mutant mod. Same as the battle cry I have, a tool I can use to increase the spawn-rate of enemies 10x… not something I’m ready to use.

A few hours later, the sun was starting to lower in the sky, and my ‘house’ was just about finished. It wasn’t anything impressive, I had experimented briefly with the physics of this world and found they floating blocks do in fact exist… strange as f*ck.

Physics crisis aside, its not a bad beginner home. just rather box-like, but I can fix that later. Though right now, I should get mining. I can’t head back to earth just yet; I want to give it at least a day or two for anyone that saw that damn beam to bugger off before I pop out in the same place.

Setting off in hopes of finding a cave, A hellevator can wait until I have a more time… now that I think about it, I wonder how broken the Drill Containment Unit would be worth on earth? Probably a few billion at the least right? Probably more since its alien tech… sends a shiver down my spine at how rich this place could make me… but, I don’t want to ruin the beauty of this place… I guess that means I can only use stuff here that wont wreck the atmosphere…

‘Actually, didn’t the system guy say I could make more worlds?’ tapping my foot in thought, I felt for the first menu I summoned and looked at the world creation section. Three sections with one taken up, aptly named ‘World 1’.

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Swinging my pickaxe like I had for the past several hours, I was deep in a cave right next to my house. The rhythm of metal against stone was almost soothing. I had set up my home in a relatively safe area, but the call of the underground was too tempting to resist. My house was just a short walk away, nestled in a lush plain dotted with oak and pine trees. It was the perfect spot to gather resources and build up my strength.

To keep myself entertained while mining, I had resorted to singing.

“I am a dwarf, and I’m digging a hole! Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole—Ooh, some silver! Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone! Raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home!”

Swinging a final time as the silver popped off the wall and flew into my inventory, I marveled at how it just disappears the moment it touches me. Taking note of how many materials I had gathered, I decided to delve deeper into the cave system.

After a bit of exploring, I stumbled upon what appeared to be an old, abandoned underground house. The wooden structure was partially collapsed, with cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and moss growing between the floorboards. Curiosity piqued, I carefully stepped inside, holding my torch high to illuminate the dim interior.

Most of the house was in ruins, with broken furniture and debris scattered across the floor. However, amidst the rubble, I found a small chest. Kneeling down, I opened it to reveal a couple of swiftness potions and a pair of shoe spikes.

“Nice, these will come in handy,” I muttered to myself, pocketing the potions, and examining the shoe spikes. With these, I should be able to slowly scale down walls, which would be incredibly useful for not dying as I fall into the deeper parts of the cave.

placing the shoe spikes onto one of my accessory slots, I took a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship. “Alright, let’s see what else this cave has to offer,” I said, standing up and adjusting my gear.

With renewed enthusiasm, I ventured further into the cave, the shoe spikes making it easier to descend the steep, rocky walls. The deeper I went, the more I felt the thrill of discovery. Every corner held the promise of new treasures and resources.

I carefully navigated through narrow passages and over underground streams, my torchlight casting dancing shadows on the cavern walls. As I rounded a bend, I heard the familiar plop of slimes moving about. Readying my copper broadsword, I prepared for another encounter with the gelatinous foes.

“Come on, you blobs of goo. Let’s see what you’ve got,” I challenged, a grin spreading across my face.

A cluster of red and yellow slimes emerged from the darkness, bouncing towards me with surprising speed. I swung my sword, slicing through the first slime and watching it burst into particles of light. The remaining slimes continued their advance, undeterred by their fallen comrade.

I jumped to avoid a yellow slime’s attack, landing a hit on another red one mid-air. The cave echoed with the sounds of battle as I dispatched the slimes one by one, the shoe spikes giving me better control and mobility on the uneven terrain.

After defeating the last slime, I took a moment to catch my breath and assess my surroundings. The cave seemed to stretch on endlessly, with countless tunnels branching off in every direction.

“Hmm… eenie, meenie, miney, mo…. That one it is!” pointing at a random entrance, I trekked on.

As I navigated through narrow passages and over underground streams, my torchlight casting dancing shadows on the cavern walls, I noticed a faint, pulsing red glow coming from a crevice in the wall. My heart skipped a beat.

“A heart crystal,” I murmured, recognizing the glow immediately. These beauties granted a permanent health increase, and finding one this early was a stroke of luck. Carefully chipping away at the surrounding rock, I revealed the large, heart-shaped crystal, glowing with a soft, ethereal light.

“Jackpot,” I grinned, holding the crystal up. Knowing its value, I didn't waste any time. I brought the crystal to my chest, feeling the familiar surge of energy as it dissolved into a warm, glowing essence that spread throughout my body, increasing my maximum health… not quite sure how that works in reality but I did feel a bit more pep in my step.

“Now we're talking,” I said, feeling the newfound strength coursing through my veins. With this boost, I was a bit more confident in facing against some of the stronger enemies.

Torch in hand, I continued my journey into the depths, eager to see what other treasures I could find. The cave seemed to stretch on endlessly, with countless tunnels branching off in every direction.

Navigating through the labyrinth like passages, I encountered more slimes—red, yellow, blue green, a few hard to spot in the darkness as they blended in, blobs bouncing toward me with surprising speed. “Alright, you little blobs, let’s do this,” I said, readying my copper broadsword.

I dispatched the slimes with practiced ease, the shoe spikes giving me better control and mobility on the uneven terrain. Each swing of my sword was precise, stabbing through the gelatinous foes and sending them bursting into particles of light.

After defeating the last slime, I took a moment to catch my breath and assess my surroundings. The deeper I went, the more I felt a thrill. “This must be how it feels to be Indiana Jones!”

After a bit of exploring, I stumbled upon a sight that made my heart race—a mushroom biome. The glowing blue caps and bioluminescent light were unmistakable, casting an eerie yet enchanting glow across the cavern.

“This is amazing,” I whispered to myself, my eyes wide with excitement. Mushroom biomes often meant good loot, and I could already see the outline of something intriguing in the distance—a small island in the middle of a pond, with not one but two heart crystals sitting atop it.

I made my way towards it, navigating the glowing fungi and avoiding the usual pitfalls. The sight of two heart crystals side by side was too enticing to resist. “Looks like I've hit the jackpot,” I grinned, my pace quickening with anticipation.

However, my path was blocked by a large pond, the water shimmering with an unnatural glow. Without thinking too much about it, I decided to trek through the water. “Just a quick swim, and those heart crystals are mine,” I thought, confidence surging.

But as soon as I waded into the pond, I realized my mistake. The water was teeming with danger. Piranhas darted towards me with alarming speed, their sharp teeth glinting in the dim light. Before I could react, several blue and green jellyfish emerged from the depths, their tentacles crackling with electricity.

“Crap! Not good!” I yelled, trying to fend off the swarming creatures. The piranhas bit into my legs, and the jellyfish stung me with their electrified tentacles, sending jolts of pain through my body. I swung my sword wildly, but the water resistance slowed my movements, making it hard to land effective blows.

The combined assault was too much. My health dropped rapidly, and I could feel my strength fading. With one final sting from a jellyfish, my vision darkened, and I felt myself 'dying'.

I respawned back at the surface, gasping for breath and clutching my chest. The familiar surroundings of my house came into view, but this time, I wasn't alone. Standing nearby was a young blonde woman in a nurse's outfit, her expression a mix of amusem*nt and faint concern.

“Nice job, hero,” she said with a smirk, though her eyes softened slightly. “First time dying, huh?”

I stared at her, still disoriented, and trying to process what had just happened. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my mind was reeling. I hadn't expected to respawn. For a moment there, I really thought I was going to die. The realization hit me hard, and I could feel a cold sweat forming.

“Who are you?” I managed to ask, my voice shaky.

“The name’s Kaitlin. I’m the Nurse, here to patch you up,” she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm but with a hint of sympathy. “But don't get too cozy with dying and respawning. You might come back here, but in the real world, it’s game over for good.”

Her words sent a chill down my spine. “So, I just respawn here? Not in the actual world… got it…”

Kaitlin shook her head, a serious look replacing her smirk. “You die out there, you die for real. So, better not make a habit of it.”

I nodded, the gravity of her warning sinking in. “Got it. Thanks for the uh… heads-up.”

“Don’t mention it,” she said, her tone softening slightly. “And try not to get yourself killed again. It’s a pain having to explain this to every new respawn.”

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself. “Alright, lesson learned.”

Kaitlin watched me for a moment, then added, “You look like you need a break. Take a moment to get your bearings. It’s not every day someone gets to experience dying and coming back.”

She was right. My mind was still reeling from it. I nodded, deciding to take her advice. I found a spot near my house to lay down and collect my thoughts. The adrenaline was wearing off, and the reality of what had just happened was starting to sink in.

I had died… no if’s ands or buts… and even though I respawned, the fear and pain were all too real. I couldn't afford to be careless. The stakes were too high just to get some health boosts… I need armor… and better tools, and soon.

After a while, I felt a bit more composed. The determination to survive and grow stronger burned even brighter within me. But for now, I needed to rest. My heart was still pounding, and my legs felt a bit weak.

With a deep breath, I got up and headed back into my house. There was still so much to do, and I had to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. But for now, I would take a moment to recover and strategize, ensuring that my next venture into the depths would be smarter and more prepared.

Though, for right now, I think I’m just going to crash for a few hours...

Flopping down onto my bed crashing from the shock wearing off and unbeknownst to me, the shining blue disc in my inventory started to blink rapidly.

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The Terrarian of DXD - theironcrafty (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.