Nick Arcade with Sonic the Hedgehog: Shaggy/Scooby vs Kat/Kenny - Angelblue15372 (2024)

Here is a game show story I cooked up. This is for a very good friend of mine, but I'll tell you who at the end of the story, so stay tuned!

*Cold Open*

(Sonic is sleeping atop of the Sonic's Arcade machine in the studio. His phone rings, and he picks it up)

Sonic: Hello! Who's this?

Amy: (yelling) SONIIIIIIIC!

Sonic: (his quills rise) Whoa, Amy?! Why are you yelling at me?!

Amy: (angry) Did you get me a birthday gift?!

Sonic: Birthday gift? Beats me. I haven't started looking yet. (Jumps off the machine into the confetti, which his feet dip into) Heck, I haven't even sweeped the confetti from last week's episode! (checks the map of his world) Or decided where to go today! I'm kicking back cause I've got months till your birthday comes.

Amy: Sonic, my birthday is TODAY!

Sonic: (screams)

Amy: You have to get me a gift immediately!

Sonic: Immediately?! Amy, I've got a show to do today, and I don't want my fans to keep waiting.

Amy: If you don't get me a gift by the end of this week's show, which when I will appear in the studio to do the sponsoring as a guest, I'm personally changing Sonic's Arcade to Amy's Arcade!

Sonic: Eep! Okay!

(Sonic hangs up the phone)

Sonic: I'm in so much trouble! Guess I have no choice but to head to the Got Em Mall! (Pulls out his wallet) This is going to be a crazy show.

*End of Cold Open*

Sonic: Behind this door is the video zone, a place between our world and the video dimension. Waiting to challenge you for control of the video zone is one of the game wizards. Is it Dr. Eggman? Metal Sonic? Or Scratch and Grounder? These two teams will compete for the right to enter Eggman's Video Zone and face that game wizard's challenge. Who will it be? Find out today on... SONIC'S ARCADE!

(applause and cheers)

And now, here's your hostess, a woman who thinks Ellen DeGeneres is a good role model for her, MAGGIE FLECKNOE!

(applause and cheers even more as Maggie makes her entrance from the doors)

Maggie: Hey! Thank you, Sonic, and welcome to Sonic's Arcade, where your video savvy and video game skills are put to the Ultimate Test. Today, I’m here with Shaggy on the Red Team and Kat of the Yellow Team. We’re about to play our face-off game of the day, Post-Haste. Now, in this game, you have to race your postman across the street while trying to dodge obstacles. The player whose mailman moves the farthest at the end of 30 seconds will get 25 points and control of Sonic, our video adventurer and my hedgehog co-host, to start round one. Players, hands on your controllers! Ready, set, go!

And there they go! They’re neck and neck, and it looks like Red has the advantage so far. Ooooh, yellow got bit by the dog! But that’s okay, they’re gonna keep going! Red is still up! Let’s see how far they go!

Audience: GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!

Maggie: And it’s the red team!

(applause and cheers; theme plays)

Let’s go back and play some Sonic's Arcade!

(singing with the theme): Oh yeah, baby, we’re gonna play Sonic's Arcade, tooooday!

(talking): Alright, Shaggy, great job! You just got your team 25 points! Nice work! And now, let’s meet today’s players! Starting off with our Red Team, Shaggy, and Scooby Doo, say HEEYYYYYY!

(applause and cheers)

Maggie: We know that you are a famed detective and coward, and you have a dog friend named Scooby Doo? Yes?

Shaggy: Absolutely right, Maggie!

Maggie: Cool! Tell me a little more about yourself.

Shaggy: Well, I have a mother and father.

Maggie: Great! Awesome! And Scooby, you are ALSO a cowardly detective, and it says here you are Great Dane?

Scooby: Yes. And I come from the Scooby Universe.

Maggie: Interesting. Well, thanks for being here! Now, your opponents today are Kat and Kenny, say HEY HEY!

(applause and cheers)

Now Kat, says here you have two parents. Can you tell me who they are?

Kat: My parents' names are Peter and Grace. They are actually in the audience today.

(camera pans on Peter and Grace as they wave to the camera; audience applauds and cheers)

Maggie: Ahhhh, nice, nice! Good to see you! And it’s good to have you here, Kat! And Kenny, says here you have a best friend named Marty the Dashund. Is this true?

Kenny: Yes. We’ve been best friends since I moved into his neighborhood.

Maggie: Wow, that’s a long time. I understand that all our contestants are owners and pets, but let’s wish them all good luck!

(applause and cheers)

Maggie: Well, how do we play Sonic's Arcade? Good question! You're gonna take Sonic, our Video Adventurer, and my co-host, and you're gonna move him all around the screen, in every direction except diagonally. Now, as you do this, you're gonna run into our four Ps: Points, Puzzles, Pop Quizzes, and Prizes. Be careful because there is an enemy up there, and if you run into them, you lose control of Sonic, and he's handed over to the other team. All questions in Round 1 are worth 25 points, and the team with the most points at the end of the two rounds will go inside the Video Zone to face today's game wizard. Hey Sonic, where are you headed today?

Sonic: Well, Maggie, it’s Amy's birthday, and I kind of forgot to get her a gift.

Maggie: (gasps) You what?!

Sonic: I lost track of time, okay?! (audience laughs) So, in round one, I will be in the We Got 'Em Mall to start looking for the perfect gift so Amy doesn't take over my show. But beware, because the bully from my past, Antone will cream me with a big ol’ pie. Get past the goal, and that will earn you 50 points! Okay, Maggie?

Maggie: Thanks, Sonic! Red team, you have control of the Hedgehog. Which way would you like to move him?

(Scooby and Shaggy quietly confer)

Scooby: Right.

Maggie: Sonic, go to the right.

Sonic: On it!

(Sonic walks right)

Maggie: Fast Forward! This is one of our video puzzles. Now, in a moment, we will show you a fast motion clip. Now, how many times do you think this hockey player will score a goal? I want you to take those boards and pens and write down your response. However, you cannot go over the actual number. Whoever has the closest wager will get 25 points! You have three seconds to make your wager, starting now.

(thinking music while Maggie hums the music)

Maggie: Alright, let’s roll the clip and see how many goals he’ll score!

(fast music plays as the clip plays super fast)

That’s one goal! Two! Three! Oh, he missed there! Ah, there’s another one! Four! Five! Six! Oooh, off the post! Seven! That’s eight! Nine! And ten!

(clip stops)

Alright, he scored ten goals. Let’s see what our teams came up with. Red Team, how much did you think he scored?

Shaggy: We said 9.

Maggie: Okay, and yellow team, how many did you think did he score?

Kenny: 10.


(applause and cheers)

Nice job! You have 25 points! You’re on the board and you now have control of Sonic. Where would you like to move him?

Kat: Right.

Maggie: Sonic, you're moving right again!

Sonic: Okay!

(Sonic moves right)


(applause and cheers)

So, you now have the lead and control of Sonic still. Where would you like to move him?

Kenny: Right.

Maggie: Going right again.

(Sonic moves right)


(audience oohs)

Maggie: Ohhhhh, Sonic, you just got creamed by Antone!

Sonic: Aww man! (Licks the pie off his face and grumbles)

Maggie: Sorry guys, you have lost control and we shift back to the red team. Red team, where would you like to move ol’ Sonic?

Shaggy: Right.

Maggie: Right again, Sonic.

(Sonic moves right)

Maggie: HEEYYYYYY, A PRIZE! (applause and cheers) Sonic, tell them what they’ve won!

Sonic: You’ll each be getting a $150 Blockbuster gift certificate! With over 10,000 videos in store, Blockbuster lets you rent your movies for 3 nights and it’s perfect for the entire family! Blockbuster is America’s Family Video Store! Wow, What a Difference! Congrats, red team!

Maggie: Nice! Thanks, Sonic! Red team, that’s yours to keep no matter what! You still have control of Sonic! Which way now?

Scooby: Right.

Maggie: Going right again.

(Sonic moves right)

Maggie: Pop quiz! (pop) Hands on your buzzers, this is for 25 points and control of Sonic. This question is about department stores.

Where was the first Macy’s originally located before relocating to New York City?

(futuristic buzz)

Red team?

Shaggy: Haverhill, Massachusetts.


(futuristic dings; applause and cheers)

Maggie: You have tied the game again. Where would you like to go now?

Scooby: Down.

Maggie: Sonic is making his way down towards………


(applause and cheers)

Maggie: Now, this is worth 50 points and the Goal for Round 1. If you get it right, that’s 50 big ones! If you get it wrong or run out of time, the yellow team will get the goal and 25 points by default. Now, these are questions about the letter G. Hands on your buzzers! Here we go!

New Jersey is this kind of state that begins with the letter G.

Sonic: Here's a hint, it is related to this kind of structure in our backyards.

(futuristic buzz)

Red team?

Shaggy: The Garden State!

Maggie: That is correct! YOU GET THE GOOOOOAAAALLLLL!

(applause and cheers)

Maggie: Let's take a look and see where everything is up on the board... POW! There it is. There were some pop quizzes, a couple of enemy spots, three video puzzles, and a bonus points square. Unfortunately, no one got our video challenge spot.

Sonic: Awww, that makes me sad, Maggie.

Maggie: But that’s okay, Sonic, because we’re just getting warmed up! Red team has 100 points, and yellow team has 50! Tight match, but when we come back, all our points will be DOUBLED! Anything can happen! So don’t you dare go anywhere! We’ll be back after this, on Sonic's Arcade!

(applause and cheers; commercial break)

(return from commercial break; applause and cheers)

Maggie: Heyyy, welcome back to Sonic's Arcade! This time, I’m here with Scooby of the Red Team and Kenny of the Yellow Team. It’s now their turn to play Post-Haste. Now remember, you have to race your postman across the street while trying to dodge obstacles. The player whose mailman moves the farthest at the end of 30 seconds will get 50 points and control of Sonic for the start of round 2. Hands, or in your case paws and fins, on your controllers, fellas! Ready, set, go!

And they’re off! Red team is making a strong push, but ohhhhh, red got bitten by a dog! Starting up again, gaining on yellow! There they go, red has the lead. Ohhh, yellow had a little trouble over there. Red is still on its feet. Going down to 15 seconds, who’s gonna make it? Red is still up.

Audience: GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!

Maggie: And it’s… THE RED TEAM AGAIN!

(applause and cheers; theme plays)

Let’s go play some more Arcade!

(singing with the theme): Oh yeah red team, way to rock, the Post-Haste, youuuuuu, knocked my socks!

(audience laughs a little)

(talking): Yeah, I love that! Okay, so red team, we’re gonna add 50 points to your score. Sonic, where are you headed for round 2?

Sonic: Well, Maggie, during the commercial break, I thought about what to get Amy for her birthday. After a minute, I remembered that Amy loves clothes! So, in round 2, despite my carefully cultivated street cred, I will be in the Fashion District of the We Got ‘Em Mall to find Amy a outfit she will never forget. But watch out, because Antone could still be lurking in the area, waiting to cream me again! Get me past the goal and that will earn you 100 big points! Maggie?

Maggie: Thanks Sonic! Remember, gang, the four P’s are still up there; points, puzzles, pop quizzes, and prizes. And watch out for Antone, that mean bully of a lizard! Questions are now worth 50 points each. And of course, the team with the highest score at the end of this round will be going to the video zone. Red team, you have control of Sonic, where do you want to move him?

(Shaggy and Scooby quietly confer)

Scooby: Down, please.

Maggie: Sonic's going down!

Sonic: Eep! (cowers as the audience laughs)

Maggie: I mean the direction down, Sonic!

Sonic: Sorry! Couldn't resist!

(Sonic moves down)


(applause and cheers; theme plays)

Come on over here, red team!

(singing with the theme): Finally we have, a video challenge! Ohhh yesss!

(talking): So, this is the Video Challenge, where you get to add more points to your score and maintain control of Sonic. Who's gonna be playing?

Shaggy: I will!

Maggie: Okay, so Scooby, you hang on to the board. Now Shaggy, you get to choose from five of these video games:

Sonic the Hedgehog

Super Mario Bros.

Dig Dug

Donkey Kong

and Asteroids.

Which one would you like to play?

Shaggy: Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic: (blushing) Me? (Flattered) Oh, you shouldn't have! (Audience laughs)

Maggie: Alright, in this game, you have to beat the Wizard's Challenge, and today on Sonic the Hedgehog, the Wizard's Challenge is set at 50 rings. You have to meet or beat that in 30 seconds. Now Scooby, you can wager between 0 and 50 points based on whether or not you think your partner will meet or beat that score. You have three seconds to write it down, now.

(thinking tune plays)

Alright, keep it a secret. Don’t let anyone see it. Shaggy, hands on your controller. Ready, set, go!

And there he goes! He builds up speed, grabs those rings! And he grabs them quickly! He’s up to 31 rings now! Speeds past those wasps! Goes up top and smashes another wasp! He has 46 right now, can he do it? Can he….. YES!

(applause and cheers)

He's done it! Let's see how many points you wagered…. 45 points! Let’s go back and add it to your score!

(applause and cheers; theme plays)

Way to go red team! You’re up to 145 points and you still have control of the Sonicster. Where would you like to move him now?

Shaggy: Right.

Maggie: Sonic, you're heading for the right.

Sonic: Roger that, Maggie!

(Sonic moves right)


(audience oohs)

Maggie: Ohhhh, ouch! Sonic got creamed by Antone again!

Sonic: (cleaning the pie off his face) I thought he wouldn't show up here, but I was wrong!

Maggie: Sorry, red team. Yellow team, you now have control. Where would you like to move Sonic?

Kat: Down, please.

Maggie: Sonic's heading down!

(Sonic moves down)

Maggie: HEY HEY, A PRIZE FOR THE YELLOW TEAM! (applause and cheers) Sonic, tell them what they’ve won!

Sonic: From AeroMaxx, get the real feel of playing on the ice just like the pro hockey stars with this air hockey table! Comes complete with scoreboard with manual controls, lights and sounds, flat pucks, paddles, and it’s easy to set up! From AeroMaxx, congratulations!

Maggie: Thanks, Sonic! And that is yours no matter what, yellow team! You still have control of Sonic, where would you like to move him?

Kenny: Down.

Maggie: Sonic is going down some more.

(Sonic moves down)

Maggie: ANOTHER VIDEO CHALLEEEEEEEENGEEEE!!!! Get over here, yellow team!

(applause and cheers; theme plays)

(singing with the theme): Yellow team is coming to play!

(talking): Alright, haha, welcome yellow team to the Video Challenge! Now, you saw what the red team did. Who’s gonna be playing?

Kenny: Me.

Maggie: Okay, so Kat, hold the board for me. Thank you very much! Now, we have four games remaining. Choose one of them.

Sonic the Hedgehog has already been played. (Sonic whimpers; audience laughs) But we still have:

Super Mario Bros.

Dig Dug

Donkey Kong

and Asteroids.

Which one would you like to play?

Kenny: Dig Dug, please.

Maggie: Okay, you have to beat the wizard’s challenge. And today, at Dig Dug, the wizard’s challenge is set at 1,700 points. So you have to either meet or beat that score within 30 seconds. Kat, you can risk between 0 and 50 points to see if your shark partner can win and beat that challenge. You have three seconds to do it, now!

(think theme plays)

Alright, don’t let anyone see it! Kenny, fins on your controller! Ready, set, go! GO, GO! Time’s ticking! Yeah, there he goes! Digging his way through the tunnel! Pops some fish and crocodiles! Now comes across this one right here! POW! And there’s one more! Can he do it?

Audience: GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!

Maggie: 3 seconds, 2….

(Kenny pops the last fish)

Maggie: YOU GOT IT!

(applause and cheers)

Maggie: I DON’T BELIEVE IT! JUST BEFORE TIME EXPIRED, HE GOT IT! Let’s see how much they wagered! 20 points! Gonna add it to the score and we’ll play some more!

(applause and cheers; theme plays while Maggie hums it)

Alright, that takes your total up to 70 points. You still have control. Where do you wanna move Sonic?

Kenny: Down.

Maggie: Sonic's moving down.

(Sonic moves down)

Maggie: Credit craaaaawwwwlllll. This is another one of our video puzzles. Now, in a second, a bunch of credits is gonna roll on the screen. But I want you to pay particular attention to them because the credits could be related to a person, place, thing, or object. Hands on your buzzers. The first team to identify the person, place, thing, or object will get 50 points and control of Sonic. Now, let’s roll those credits!

(Credits roll as First Lending Library, Lightning experiment with kite, $100 bill, then a futuristic buzz)

Red team?

Shaggy: Benjamin Franklin?

Maggie: Is it Benjamin Franklin?

(futuristic dings)

Maggie: It sure is!

(applause and cheers)

Maggie: Way to go red team! Now….

(futuristic time's up sound)

Maggie: I get to move Sonic because we are out of time. I’ll zip him straight to the goal.

(Sonic groans in disappointment, wanting to reach the goal twice in one show, but zooms to the goal on Maggie's request)

Maggie: The correct answer to this question will get you 100 points, the goal for round two, and the game. This question is about Greek mythology. Hands on your buzzers!

Ceres was a Greek goddess of what?



or C. Fire?

(futuristic buzz)

Red team?

Scooby: Agriculture.

Maggie: THAT IS IT!

(applause and cheers)


Now let’s see where everything was on the board! POW! There it is! Two prizes in the corner, a couple of pop quizzes and enemies, and a VC and video puzzle.

Sonic: Phew! Glad I didn't get hit with a pie more than twice today, otherwise I'd have to wash my face before the final round.

Maggie: And with 295 points, Red Team, you’re going to the VIDEO ZONE!

(applause and cheers as Shaggy and Scooby celebrate)

Yellow Team, we loved having you here today. You did a good job! But no one leaves Sonic's Arcade empty handed! Sonic, what do we have for them?

(applause and cheers)

Sonic: A year supply of Chupa Chips Melody Pops! It’s fun to eat and make music with! Just blow into the part end and use the slider and you’ll be making sweet music, from Chupa Chips! And, Nestle Quik! All signs point to one thing! There’s no better break in the action than to chill out with Nestle Quik! Chocolate Milk? Think Quik! Back to you, Mags!

Maggie: Alright, thanks Sonic! Hey, when we come back, these two will be heading in that video zone to make a move on this week's enemy, Metal Sonic! Come on back and see how they do! YEAH!

(applause and cheers; commercial break)

(return from commercial break; applause and cheers)

Maggie: Hey, thanks for coming back to Sonic's Arcade! The red team, Shaggy and Scooby have won today’s game and now they are ready to face Metal Sonic in the video zone!

Sonic: And I got my present for Amy, but that robotic doppelganger stole it during the break! She's gonna be here after the show and if she sees me empty-handed, she'll hammer me dead!

Maggie: Now, you guys have one minute to get through 3 levels. Now, if you go through the first two levels if you have enough time, you will face Metal Sonic in the third and final level to retrieve Sonic's present for Amy. For each level you pass, you will get $50 each and a prize. Now, here's your challenge!

Shaggy, in Level 1, you will be in Jungle Fever. You have to climb palm trees and get three bunches of bananas. But watch out, because there are crazy monkeys trying to throw coconuts at you. So, watch out for that! When you do get three bananas, Sonic will tell you what you’ll win!

Sonic: It’s a $300 gift card to Ponderosa Steakhouse! (applause and cheers) Featuring country homestyle buffet dining, you and your family will feel like being at the Ponderosa Ranch with this good old BBQ meal!

Maggie: Okay! Thanks Sonic! Now, in level 2, Scooby, you will be in Food Frenzy. You have to grab three textbooks, but watch out for the kids in the cafeteria because they’ll be throwing all kinds of food across the room.

Sonic: Try not to let your love of food distract you! (Audience laughs)

Maggie: Anyway! Successfully get through this level, and you’ll win this prize! Sonic?

Sonic: It’s a one week limo service to your school, courtesy of Happy Limousine Service Orlando! Serving the Orlando Metropolitan area and Orange County, Florida, Happy Limousine Service is a proud member of the National Limousine Association and you can travel in style when you go to school!

Maggie: Sweet! Alright, with the time left, you'll both take on Metal Sonic in the Wizard Level. Catch 3 floating orbs while avoiding Metal's attacks, fireballs and creatures. Touch the spinning hourglass and you'll freeze everything for 5 seconds. Beat Metal Sonic by catching all 3 orbs and you will win today's grand prize! Sonic, what is it?

Sonic: You’ll be going to Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri! You’ll be staying four nights at the Radisson Hotel Branson, just minutes away from the park! Enjoy fantastic rides and attractions, old western landmarks, and state of the art shopping and dining! You’ll fly round trip coach from Orlando to Harrison, Missouri courtesy of American Airlines! And at American Airlines, "The World's Greatest Flyers Fly American!”

Maggie: Alrighty, partners, good luck to ya! YEEHA! Hope y’all strike GOLD!

(audience laughs)

Okay, give me some skin! POW! POW! Now get in there, get Metal Sonic and retrieve Amy's present!

(applause and cheers as Shaggy and Scooby enter the video zone)

Maggie: Remember, Shaggy and Scooby need to get the three bunches of bananas avoiding the monkeys and grab the textbooks without being hit by food. Let’s see what happens! Best of luck to the red team! Okay, Shaggy is in position. Ready, set, go! Hit start!

There he goes! He’s climbing up the palm tree, and BAM! There’s the first banana! Now he’s walking across to get the second banana! Uh oh, watch out for the monkey! Bam, there’s another! Just avoided him! Whew! And Pow, there’s the third banana!

Okay, there goes Scooby! He hits start! He’s got one book! He's got two! Uh oh! Oh! He got pelted! But he’s gonna keep going! Don’t give up in there! (smack) Ohhhh, he lost power! Hit start again. There you go! Now he’s going for the locker! And, yes, he’s stopped the kids! And has the last book in his paws!

Alright, this is it! Hit start! They’re gonna battle Metal Sonic! And POW, they got orb number one! Watch out for Metal, guys! Plenty of time, still! BAM, that’s orb number two! They need one more to win! They’re doing a great job of avoiding those fireballs and ghosts! Now there’s 16 seconds left! There’s the last orb right there! Grab it!

Sonic: YES! (applause and cheers)



(They all high five)


Shaggy: GREAT!

Scooby: AWESOME!

Maggie: Great to hear! Hey, we gotta go! Hope you had a good time watching today! See ya next time on Sonic's Arcade! BYYYEEE!

(applause and cheers)

*Cold Closing*

(Amy enters the room)

Sonic: Happy birthday, Amy! (Shows the dress)

Amy: (squeals) Thanks, Sonic! (Puts on the dress)

Sonic: That means I keep my show?!

Amy: Yup!

Sonic: WAHOO!

Amy: I also need a gift for Valentines Day.

Sonic: Okay, Ames. Will do! (to the viewers) See you next week!

*The end*

This story is for my good friend, GameShowFanFics. He unfortunately retired, but I will try to carry on his legacy.

Nick Arcade with Sonic the Hedgehog: Shaggy/Scooby vs Kat/Kenny - Angelblue15372 (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.