#loki odinson | minnie-marvel (2024)


All your life you have lived with the strange ability to walk and manipulate the dreams of others. Your power helped you receive a job as a personal dream therapist for Tony Stark who eventually offered you the same position for the rest of his team at the Avenger’s tower. When you enter into Thor’s dream to pacify his nightmare he is impressed with your abilities and gives you a challenge: to help remedy his brother’s nightmares which are apparently a thousand times worse.

Loki x Reader

Words: 3,583

Warnings: violence, death

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 5

A/N: oh man, this really hurt to write. I’m sorry y’all.


They laid Thor down in his own bed gently, as you had advised it would be better for Thor to wake up in a place that was familiar to him. Everyone crowded around his sleeping body silently as you took a step forward.

“How long will it take?” Loki demanded his voice sounded angry and frustrated, but there was a hint of fear laced over his words. You weren’t offended at his tone, you knew if the roles were reversed you would have his exact reaction.

“Hopefully not long…” You started as you took a seat on Thor’s bed at his side like you had hundreds of times before when you were together just having fun. Your heart only kept sinking. The spot that had been so familiar to you before now felt cold, lifeless and strange. “It depends on what I find in his dreamscape…. People can only be trapped there if they’re scared, or if they're made to believe that the dream their experiencing is an actual reality.” You explained. “Either way… it's not an easy feat. If I can’t get Thor out of it, I may be trapped in his world myself… I don’t know how powerful this other dream person is…” You whispered mostly to yourself.

“I know you can do it Dream eater,” Tony said placing a hand on your shoulder.

“You’ve worked miracles before and you can work miracles now. Even if this takes you hours, days, weeks, we’ll be here when you wake up with Thor to congratulate you,” He gave you soft smile that boosted your determination. Everyone was counting on you, Thor was counting on you. You gave a simple nod before exhaling.

“I’m ready.”

“Y/N…” Loki spoke before you could blink a second time. You looked over at him and saw him biting at the back of his thumb before he dragged his eyes from Thor’s body to your eyes. “Please, be safe.” He begged softly.

You couldn’t promise him anything, you weren’t going to lie to him again. You looked forward so that you could focus yourself and blinked three times, entering into the Doorway.

Everything felt urgent, it almost confused you. You had to take a moment to collect yourself before you went rushing into the wrong door. If you walked into the dreamscape of someone who was awake, they’d fall asleep instantly, and you knew that the Avengers didn’t need another comatose person on their hands. You felt yourself shiver slightly. That was strange, you hadn’t even started walking yet, why was Loki’s chill here as soon as you entered the Doorway?

You looked around the main hall to see his frostbitten door right between your father and mothers.

You touched your head and tried to shake away your incoming thoughts about him. You couldn’t focus on him right now, you had to get to Thor and wake him up. Who knew how much time you had already wasted by sitting around gawking? You touched your shoulders letting a jacket materialize on you before continuing on to find Thor’s door. Your steps were nimble as your head bounced from side to side looking at each door till you finally found his. You frowned, why did his door seem so dim in comparison to the other times you had seen it?

You reached for the double handles getting ready to pull it open but at your touch, you were immediately thrown back against another door by a powerful shock. You screamed in pain as you looked down at your hand and saw it was disgustingly disfigured, your hand bubbling and boiling with a raw meaty appearance. How did Thor’s door manage to do that to you?! Were his dreams so frightening that he refused to let anyone in? Your head started racing with questions all while you held your hand grimacing in your pain when you suddenly stopped.

You weren’t supposed to feel pain in your dreams.

It was a dream, after all, everything that happened in them was always made up of illusions, things weren’t actually supposed to hurt you unless you were convinced they were real. You took another glance at your hand after your epitome and saw your hand shift back to normal as if you had never been shocked. Your eyebrows knit together. Whoever this guy was, he was certainly powerful to have you question yourself when you hadn’t even entered a dream yet. You took a deep breath. Hold yourself together Y/N, you weren’t going to get Thor out if you kept getting tricked like this.

You went to his doors again and this time when you laid your hands on his handles you only felt slight vibrations as to oppose to the previous burning unbearable shock. You pulled his door open to see Asgard again in shambles. You took a deep breath. As terrible as this was, this was a familiar sight for you. You would be able to find Thor easily and be able to remedy him.

You walked across the crackling glass road trying not to focus as it was nearly crumbling on you. If you gave into your fears of what was happening in this dream, you would be swallowed up by it yourself. You kept your eyes forward as you entered the city of Asgard, people ran past of you screaming in terror shoving you each and every way. When a soldier shoved you down you tried not to look at him until he spoke to you.

“The princes! They’re falling by that she-demons hand!!!” He cowered. You both got up quickly and you searched his eyes. “Where are they fighting.” You demanded your voice unnaturally cool and deadpan.

The soldier pointed back towards the palace their entire body quivering. “T-The throne room!! No one can stop them!!” He said running past you now. “Save yourself!!” He cried. You took a deep breath before continuing your walk into the chaos.

You walked into the palace, bodies were scattered across the ground like confetti, it made your stomach knot up. You lifted your gaze to the center of the throne room where both Thor and Loki stood fighting against who you assumed to be Hela. Thor didn’t mention her often since her existence came shortly after his father’s death, he had only told you that she was frighteningly powerful and that he was lucky she had perished alongside his home.

You were taken aback at her presence; she actually seemed graceful when she fought. Her movements were seemingly effortless, like a dancer as she twirled her body to and fro avoiding Thor and Loki’s punches and stabs.

You quickly crouched behind a pillar. You were really starting to hate being in this Throne room. You peeked from behind the pillar as Thor fought against his sister. You stretched your hands out towards her to begin to puppet her. Just as you were about to force her movements her piercing green eyes darted to yours making your heart stop.

“It looks like we have a little guest!” She chirped throwing both Loki and Thor to the side as she made an advance towards you. You started to back away slowly. Puppeting her was no use now that your mission had been compromised.

“Y/N…?!” Thor grunted as he got up from where he stood. Your eyes darted to him. You couldn’t let yourself get wounded up in this dream. Stay calm. Stay calm.

“So you know this trespasser?” She asked standing in front of you now. “How delightful!” She grinned before swiftly grabbing you and twisting you around with two knives aimed at your throat. You felt sweat begin to bead at the top of your forehead.

“Lay not one fingertip on her you WENCH!” he shouted electricity beginning to dance across his arms. Loki stood too eyeing you and his sister.

“Oh? my my, what courage to try and command your older sister…” She laughed softly. “Do you know not who I am Thor?” you felt the edges of the knives begin to pinch into the skin of your neck.


You made a quick swipe and you suddenly felt blood gurgling from the depths of your throat, your body falling limply to the floor as blood pooled out of your mouth and onto the floor.

“I am the goddess of death.” She finished stepping on your body as she walked to confront her brothers again.

“HELA!!!” Thor bellowed lightning exploding from his hands as he charged forward punching his sister in the face with practically a trillion volts of lightning.You felt your heart beat out of your chest rapidly started hyperventilating the blood spattering across the floor and over your clothes as you let out a pathetic whimper, tears running down your cheeks. Were you dying?

You saw Loki begin to rush at Thor and Hela when you instinctively reached out and whimpered his name, your voice sounding weak, unnatural and full of your blood.

Little did you know, it was nearly midnight in the compound, and some of the Avengers were still waiting at your side. Many had left due to research what they could on the villain who had done this to Thor in the first place, but Natasha, Bruce, Tony, and Loki were still sitting at your side silently. Bruce had a tablet out researching possible methods to force the two of you to wake up if you happened to fall into a coma. Tony sat hands folded promptly above his face. He knew that you would be able to complete the mission, he just didn’t know when. With each passing hour, he grew more anxious. He wasn’t prepared to lose two friends in one day. Natasha sat comfortably while still having a watchful eye on you. She had never experienced your line of work but she would admit that after today’s fight, she was extremely curious as to how much you could actually do with your powers. And then there was Loki.

Internally, he was a mess but externally he kept cool and collected sitting properly as one leg bounced up and down. He watched your chest rise and fall constantly. He feared that if he let his eyes stray from you and Thor for even a moment, he would have lost you both.

That’s when the room heard you mutter his name.

It was honestly frightening, you sat perfectly still with your eyes wide opened as you slept when you suddenly whispered. Each spectator slowly looked at him unsure what to think or what to do.

“W-what? I…she…” Loki stammered at a loss for words suddenly noticing the attention that was on him. His eyes landed back on you, your eyebrows were suddenly clenching together as you whispered his name again, despair creaking out of your voice.

“What’s happening to her?!” Loki demanded, getting up from his seat getting ready to lift you out of the bed with his own hands.

“Watch it Reindeer games,” Tony said extremely defensive. He pushed him back with his hand blocking his path from you. Loki’s nose scrunched in anger and disgust.

“Unhand me Stark lest I make you,” He snarled shoving him slightly. “Can’t you hear her?! She’s calling for me if you expect me to stand idle while I twiddle my thumbs watching her in pain-”

“Hey man, what’s your problem!” Bruce raised his voice taking a stand too making the whole room ten times more delicate.

“We don’t know what will happen if we try to interfere with her,” Tony said continuing to place a hand on his chest to keep him from you. “For all we know, touching her could send her comatose. We just have to be patient.”

“She needs me.” He said. His voice sounded frailer than it had before. Natasha finally stood eyeing the trickster god as he still kept his eyes locked on you.

“We’re all concerned right now Loki,” she said folding her arms. “But we’re not going to compromise her mission just because she talked in her sleep.”

Loki looked at them all absolutely disgusted. He threw Tony’s arm off his chest. “And you people think I’m the one with the frozen heart.” He hissed.

“Loki, you can either stay here silent, or you can walk out there and not have to see anything,” Bruce warned. “We know that you want Thor to stay safe but Y/N, is trying everything that she can, we just have to let her work,” Bruce said.

“So let’s all just take a deep breath and settle down before things get ugly okay?” Slowly everyone sat back in their chairs listening to Bruce’s voice of reason. Loki folded his hands over his mouth while he watched you again silent. He could only pray that if you were calling to him in Thor’s dream, that he would be able to rescue you in a heartbeat just as he would have now.

You gurgled out Loki’s name a third time laying still on the floor of the palace in a pool of your own blood. The call was louder now and Loki’s eyes finally locked to yours seemingly remembering what Hela had done to you. He rushed to your side uncaring of the blood that he was now kneeling in. He picked your head up searching your eyes.

“You’re an idiot!” He hissed causing you to wince. “Did you honestly think you could take her on? She is the goddess of death and you’re nothing but a simple Midguardian! You never had a chance…” He muttered looking back at Thor who was still fighting against Hela. You couldn’t tell if this was Loki being overprotective or if this was him insulting your courage. Either way, you expected a little bit more seeing as you were dying in his arms. You thought he would hold you close, kiss you or even shed a tear but he just knelt there thinking of you as more of a burden than anything else.

You were honestly surprised; you thought it would be instant and that the pain would be over. Instead, you were sitting there your body bleeding out but you seemingly keeping on. You blinked suddenly sensing something was off. Now you weren’t very knowledgeable about fighting like the rest of the Avengers but you were fairly certain that you should have been dead by now. You cursed yourself as the gash on your neck healed in seconds, the pain drifting away now a far-off memory.

You had gotten caught up again just as you feared.

Loki stared at you in disbelief as you sat up straight wiping the blood from your neck and flicking it iff your hand. “Don’t worry about it.” You said quickly as you stood slowly watching Thor and Hela fight again.

“Thor!” You called for him taking a stand against Hela behind him again. She didn’t even bat an eyelash.

“Huh. I’m fairly certain I killed you minutes ago,” Hela said simply. “What are you, Asgardian? Undead? A goddess?” she asked as she held Thor by his neck choking him slowly.

“Neither.” You said looking at Thor now directly. “I’m a dream eater.” You finished his gaze suddenly widening at you. “Thor you’re asleep! You have to wake up before you’re stuck in this dream forever!” You explained. “None of this is real!! You have to change this dream to what you want it to be and wake up again!” You said.

“A dream…” Thor choked out. He let out a laugh. “I should have known….” He locked his eyes on Hela who seemed to be looking back at him in fear. “It’s over for you sister…” He suddenly roared so loudly that the entire throne room began to quake. His body suddenly started to glow blue as lightning charged about him when the room started to brighten. You had to shield your eyes as the light only grew suddenly exploding in a flash that you thought was as bright as a supernova.

Your eyes blinked and suddenly you were back in Thor’s room where he slowly woke groaning miserably. You made a sudden quick and desperate sigh of relief. “We made it…” you whispered pulling a hand through your hair.

The rest of the room softly began to stir, all but one of them had fallen asleep. Loki let a relaxed breath escape his lips as he watched you and Thor stretch simultaneously getting out of the bed. Tony rubbed his eyes. “Knew you could do it dream eater…” He yawned.

“What time is it?” You asked quickly. You prayed that a week hadn’t passed.

“Its three thirty-seven AM,” Loki answered approaching you. He took your hand in his and looked at you silently his heart beating rapidly. “Y/N…are you alright?” He asked softly. “I’m fine,” you nodded as his body seemed to relax at your words.

“Whoaaaa….. what the f*ck.” Tony drawled still half asleep watching you two.

“Brother…? Y/N?” Thor asked a light bulb seemingly going off on top of his head. “By Odin’s beard…”

Natasha only rolled her eyes, having known from the moment Loki reacted to you calling his name. “Why don’t we all get to bed, it’s been a long night.” She said ushering all but Thor out of his room.

“Oh hell yes, I forgot that Y/N gave me the star treatment before all this dream mess happened.” He said excitedly rushing to the elevator.

“Goodnight everyone,” Nat said before her eyes fell on you. “Good job tonight Y/N. Don’t know what we would have done if we didn’t have you.” She gave you a nod before disappearing with Bruce into the halls.

You and Loki stood together quietly, his eyes glued to the floor. “Why don’t we talk,” You offered to reach for his hand. You locked your fingers with his and he looked at you softly. “I…would like that.” He said as you lead him into your room. You sat on your bed with him still silent, he was obviously still shocked after today’s events.

“I know you probably have a lot of questions…” You said nuzzling close to his body. You leaned your head into the crook of his neck. You felt him lean his chin atop of your head.

“What happened?” Was all he could say. “You called for me in the middle of the night… you looked like you were in pain,” He whispered. You felt your face flush.

“Y-you heard that?” You asked wanting to hide under your covers. “My sweet Y/N, everyone heard it,” he said giving a soft chuckle. “Were you alright?”

Your lips pursed together tightly. “I don’t think you’d want to know,” You murmured.

“Try me.”

You took a deep breath. “You and Thor were fighting against Hela,” you explained. “She caught me trying to manipulate the dream so she took me and she….” You touched your neck gently still feeling where she had sliced.

“...She killed me.”

You felt his grip on you tighten and his entire body seemed to clench. “Is that when you called for me?” he asked turning his gaze to you now. You nodded silently. You felt him take you by the chin with his free hand and kissed you gently. You felt his hurt seemingly leak into you and you felt tears drip down your cheeks.

He pulled back immediately drying your tears. “Y/N… I vow on my very life that I will never let anyone touch you unless you desire it,” He promised laying a kiss on top of your forehead. You only buried your face in his chest unable to stop. You couldn’t continue with him, with anything. Seeing how Loki cared for you and longed for you only made your heart throb in pain. The secrets that you kept from him were tying your heart up tightly every time you spoke without telling him the truth.

“I…I can’t…” You whispered pulling your head up from his neck. “L-Loki I…”

“Y/N,” he interrupted trailing a finger down your cheek. “I love you,” He whispered.

You started gasping for air the ropes tied around your heart were suffocating you now. You had reached your tipping point. You couldn’t breathe if you had to keep it any longer.

“Loki please listen to me,” You managed to squeak out.

“I know you want to preserve your friendship with Thor, but I promise not to interfere with you,” he said taking both your hands now. “Y/N, you are the only one who’s made me feel accepted…. You care for me in ways that my own father didn’t,”

You wheezed tears streaming down your cheeks, yet he still continued.

“Before I met you... before I truly met you,” he whispered. “I was riddled by night terrors for years. Of what I had done to Thor, to my mother, to my entire family…” He explained. His eyes searched yours now and you felt like dying every time he smiled as he spoke. “But once I met you… they all stopped, I started to…care again, not only for you but for myself.” He took your chin again between his fingers. “Y/N, I love you...” he said softly before his hand began to bring your lips closer to his.“Please... tell me you love me in return...”

“Loki I walked in your dreams!” You whispered quickly, desperately, unable to bear another kiss from him when your mouth was filled with lies.

You felt everything stop, as the truth finally graced your lips.

Part 7

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#loki odinson | minnie-marvel (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.