Advising & Curriculum (2024)

Download the Catalog Year 23-24 Curriculum Flowchart

Download Catalog Year 24-25 Curriculum Flowchart

First Year

Fall Semester (15 credit hours)
BMEN 1025 –Computer-Aided Design & Fabrication (4)
CHEN 1201–Gen Chem for Engineers (4)
APPM 1350 – Calculus 1 for Engineers (4)
BIEN 2810 – Biology for Engineers (3)

Spring Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 1000– Explore BME (1)
CHEN1203 –Gen Chem for Engineers 2(2)
CHEM 1221 – Engineering Gen Chem Lab(1)
PHYS 1110 – Physics 1(4)
APPM 1360–Calculus 2for Engineers(4)
CHEN 1310–Intro to Engineering Computing(3)

Second Year

Fall Semester(17credit hours)
BMEN 2100– Biomedical Principles and Methods(3)
Humanities & Social Science– Lower Division(3)
PHYS 1120– General Physics 2(4)
APPM 2350–Calculus 3for Engineers(4)
Humanities & Social Science– Lower-Division(3)

SpringSemester(17credit hours)
BMEN 2010 – Biomaterials(3)
ECEN 2250– Intro to Circuits & Electronics(3)
MCEN 2023 – Statics & Structures(3)
APPM 2360–Linear Algebra & Differential Equations(4)
PHYS 1140–Experimental Physics (1)
Humanities & Social Science–Lower Division(3)

Third Year

Fall Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 3010 – Biotransport(3)
ECEN 2260– Circuits as Systems(3)
ECEN 2270– Electronics Design Lab(3)
MCEN 2063– Mechanics of Solids(3)
Technical Elective–Lower or Upper Division(3)

SpringSemester(18credit hours)
BMEN 3030 – Bioinstrumentation(3)
ECEN 3301 – Biomedical Signals and Systems (3)
MCEN 4133– Intro to Tissue Biomechanics(3)
Humanities & Social Science–Upper Division(3)
Technical Elective –Upper Division(3)

Free Elective(3)

Fourth Year

Fall Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 4010 – BME Design 1(3)
BMEN 4117– Anatomy & Physiology for Biomedical Engineering (3)
CHEN 3010 – Applied Data Analysis(3)
Technical Elective –Upper Division(3)
Writing Requirement (3)

SpringSemester(16credit hours)
BMEN 4020 – BME Design 2(3)
Focus Technical Elective – Upper Division(3)
Engineering Technical Elective – Upper Division(3)
Humanities & Social Science–Upper Division(3)
Free Elective(4)

Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms to organs, cells and molecules, using the methods of mechanics.

Why pursue biomechanics? Biomechanics draws from the traditional engineering discipline of mechanical engineering. You may wish to take the biomechanics track if you are interested in human motion, performance, disabilities, prosthetics or orthopedics. You may find biomechanics interesting if you want to learn more about the mechanical interaction of surgical tools with tissue, the impact of mechanical stimulation on engineered tissues, or the rapidly developing field of mechanobiology.

Download the Catalog Year 23-24 Curriculum Flowchart

Download Catalog Year 24-25 Curriculum Flowchart

First Year

Fall Semester(16 credit hours)
BMEN 1025–Computer-Aided Design & Fabrication (4)
CHEN 1201–Gen Chem for Engineers (4)
CHEM 1114–Gen Chem 1 Lab (1)
APPM 1350–Calculus 1 for Engineers (4)
MCDB 1150 – Intro to Molecular and Cellular Biology(3)

Spring Semester(17credit hours)
BMEN 1000– Explore BME (1)
CHEM1133–Gen Chem 2(4)
CHEM 1134–Gen Chem 2 Lab(1)
PHYS 1110– Physics 1(4)
APPM 1360–Calculus 2for Engineers(4)
CHEN 1310 –Intro to Engineering Computing (3)

Second Year

Fall Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 2100– Biomedical Principles and Methods(3)

PHYS 1120– General Physics 2(4)
PHYS 1140– ExperimentalPhysics(1)
APPM 2350–Calculus 3for Engineers(4)
Humanities & Social Science–Lower-Division (3)

SpringSemester(17credit hours)
BMEN 2010– Biomaterials(3)
MCEN 2023– Statics & Structures(3)
MCDB 1161 – Phage Genomics Lab I(2)
APPM 2360–Linear Algebra & Differential Equations(4)
CHEM 3311– Organic Chem(4)
CHEM 3321 –Organic ChemLab (1)

Third Year

Fall Semester(17credit hours)
BMEN 3010– Biotransport(3)
MCEN 2063– Mechanics of Solids(3)
CHEM 3331– Organic Chem 2 (4)
CHEM 3341 – Organic Chem 2 Lab (1)
Engineering Technical Elective–Lower Division(3)
Humanites & Social Science–Lower Division(3)

SpringSemester(16credit hours)
MCEN 4133– Intro to Tissue Biomechanics (3)
MCEN 3017– Circuits and Electronics(3)
BCHM 4611 – Principles of Biochemistry(3)
Humanities & Social Science– Lower Division (3)
Humanities & Social Science– Upper Division (3)
Free Elective(1)

Fourth Year

Fall Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 4010– BME Design 1(3)
BMEN 4117– Anatomy & Physiology for Biomedical Engineering (3)
CHEN 3010–Applied Data Analysis (3)
Engineering Technical Elective– Upper Division(3)
Writing Requirement(3)

SpringSemester(15credit hours)
BMEN 4020– BME Design 2(3)
MCDB 2150–Principles of Genetics(3)
Focus Technical Elective– Upper Division(3)
EngineeringTechnical Elective– Upper Division(3)
Humanities & Social Science–Upper Division(3)

Bioinstrumentation is an application of biomedical engineering, which focuses on devices used to measure, evaluate and treat biological systems. Examples include biosensors and imaging systems.

Why pursue bioinstrumentation? Bioinstrumentation draws from the traditional engineering discipline of electrical engineering. You may wish to take the bioinstrumentation track if you are interested in medical devices, such as biosensors and imaging systems, or robotic surgical tools. You may find bioinstrumentation interesting if you want to learn more about the electrical interaction of surgical tools with tissue, methods to image the engineered tissues post-translation, or the rapidly developing field of neurobiology.

Download the Catalog Year 23-24 Curriculum Flowchart

Download Catalog Year 24-25Curriculum Flowchart

First Year

Fall Semester(16 credit hours)
BMEN 1025–Computer-Aided Design & Fabrication (4)
CHEN 1201–Gen Chem for Engineers (4)
CHEM 1114–Gen Chem 1 Lab (1)
APPM 1350–Calculus 1 for Engineers (4)
MCDB 1150 – Intro to Molecular and Cellular Biology(3)

Spring Semester(17credit hours)
BMEN 1000– Explore BME (1)
CHEM1133–Gen Chem 2(4)
CHEM 1134–Gen Chem 2 Lab(1)
PHYS 1110 – Physics 1 (4)
APPM 1360–Calculus 2for Engineers(4)
CHEN 1310 –Intro to Engineering Computing(3)

Second Year

Fall Semester(18credit hours)
BMEN 2100– Biomedical Principles and Methods(3)
Humanities & Social Science–Lower-Division (3)

PHYS 1120– General Physics 2(4)
PHYS 1140– ExperimentalPhysics(1)
APPM 2350–Calculus 3for Engineers(4)
Humanities & Social Science–Lower-Division (3)

SpringSemester(17credit hours)
BMEN 2010– Biomaterials(3)
ECEN 2250– Intro to Circuits & Electronics(3)
CHEM 3311– Organic Chem 1(4)
CHEM 3321–Organic Chem 1 Lab(1)
MCDB 1161– Phage Genomics Lab 1(2)
APPM 2360–Linear Algebra & Differential Equations(4)

Third Year

Fall Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 3010– Biotransport(3)
ECEN 2260– Circuits as Systems (3)
ECEN 2270– Electronics Design Lab (3)
CHEM 3331 – Organic Chem 2 (4)
CHEM 3341 –Organic Chem 2 Lab(1)
Free Elective–(1)

Spring Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 3030– Bioinstrumentation (3)
ECEN 3301 – Biomedical Signals and Systems (3)

BCHM 4611– Biochemistry(3)
Writing Requirement(3)
Humanities & Social Science– Lower Division (3)

Fourth Year

Fall Semester(15credit hours)
BMEN 4010– BME Design 1(3)
CHEN 3010 – Applied Data Analysis (3)
General Technical Elective – Lower/Upper-Division(3)
Engineering Technical Elective– Upper-Division(3)
Humanities & Social Science – Upper-Division(3)

SpringSemester(15credit hours)
BMEN 4020– BME Design 2(3)
MCDB 2150–Principles of Genetics(3)
Focus Technical Elective– Upper Division(3)
Humanities & Social Science–Upper Division(3)
Free Elective(3)

  • Course Number Title
  • Aerospace Engineering Courses
  • ASEN 1400 Gateway to Space
  • ASEN 1403 Intro to Rocket Engineering
  • ASEN 4128 Human Factors in Engineering and Design
  • ASEN 5226 Medicine in Space and Surface Environments
  • ASEN 5016 Space Life Sciences
  • Biomedical Engineering Courses
  • BMEN 4840 Independent Study (must apply) - 6 credits max
  • COEN 3930 Internship Credit (must apply) - 6 credits max
  • Chemical Engineering Courses
  • CHEN 3200 Fluid Mechanics
  • CHEN 3210 Chemical Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer
  • CHEN 4450 Polymer Chemisty
  • CHEN 4460 Polymer Engineering
  • CHEN 4802 Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • CHEN 4803 Metabolic Engineering
  • CHEN 4804 Protein and Enzyme Engineering
  • CHEN 4805 Biomaterials
  • CHEN 4820 Biochemical Separations
  • CHEN 4830 Chemical Engineering Biokinetics
  • CHEN 4838 Special Topic: Immunoengineering (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • CHEN 4838 Special Topic: Fundamentals of Biotechnology (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • CHEN 4838 Special Topic: Drug Delivery (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • Computer Science Courses
  • CSCI 2270 Data Structures
  • CSCI 3104 Algorithms
  • CSCI 3352 Biological Networks
  • CSCI 3702 Cognitive Science
  • CSCI 4118 Software Engineering for Scientists
  • CSCI 4314 Dynamic Models in Biology
  • Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
  • CVEN 4511/5511 Intro to Finite Element Method
  • Electrical Engineering Courses
  • ECEN 1400 Intro to Digital and Analog Electronics
  • ECEN 2250 Intro to Circuits and Electronics (only applies to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)
  • ECEN 2260 Circuits as Systems (only applies to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)
  • ECEN 2270 Electronics Design Lab (only applied to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)
  • ECEN 2350 Digital Logic
  • ECEN 3320 Semiconductor Devices
  • ECEN 3250 Microelectronics
  • ECEN 3400 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • ECEN 3730 Practical Printed Circuit Boards
  • ECEN 4006 Optical & Electronic Imaging
  • ECEN 4111 Engineering Applications in Biomedicine: Cardiovascular Devices and Systems (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • ECEN 4341/5341 Bioelectromagnetics
  • ECEN 4933/5933 Engineering Genetic Circuits (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • ECEN 4395 Organic Electronic Materials & Devices
  • ECEN 4121/5121 Design of Implantable Medical Devices (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • ECEN 4021/5021 Special Topics: Engineering Applications in Biomed: Neuromodulation
  • General Engineering
  • GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects
  • GEEN 2400 Engineering Projects for the Community
  • GEEN 3400 Invention and Innovation
  • Mechanical Engineering Courses
  • MCEN 2023 Statics and Structures (only applies to Pre-Med Bioinstrumentation track)
  • MCEN 2043 Dynamics
  • MCEN 2063 Mechanics of Solids (only applies to Pre-Med Bioinstrumentation track)
  • MCEN 3021 Fluid Mechanics
  • MCEN 4110 Regenerative Bio/Tissue Repair (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4111/5111 Intro to Microfluidics
  • MCEN 4113/5113 Mechanics of Cancer (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4127/5127 Biomedical Ultrasound (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4157/5157 Modeling of Human Movement (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4174 Failure of Engineering Materials
  • MCEN 4193/5193 Design of Coffee
  • MCEN 4195/5195 Bioinspired Robotics
  • MCEN 4292/5292 Materials and Devices in Medicine
  • MCEN 4293/5293 Mechanics of Soft Matter
  • MCEN 4171/5171 Biofluids at the Micro Scale (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4228 Special Topics: Design for Inclusion
  • MCEN 4228/5228 Special Topics: Food & Alcohol in the Ancient World
  • MCEN 4228/5228 Special Topics: Fluid Mechanics in the Human Body (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4228/5228 Special Topics: Practical Electronics
  • Material Science and Engineering
  • MSEN 2000 Materials in Technology
  • MSEN 5430 Transmission Electron Microscopy
  • MSEN 5470 Materials Composition and Structure

Last updated March 12, 2024

  • Applied Math Courses
  • APPM 3050 Scientific Computing
  • APPM 4390 Modeling in Math Biology
  • Biochemistry Courses
  • BCHM 4400 Core Concepts in Physical Chemistry for Biochemists
  • BCHM 4611 Principles of Biochemistry (only applies to Industry Track)
  • Integrative Physiology Courses
  • IPHY 3410 Intro to Human Anatomy
  • IPHY 3415 Human Anatomy Lab
  • IPHY 3430 Intro to Human Physiology
  • IPHY 3490 Introduction to Epidemiology
  • IPHY 4060 Cell Physiology
  • IPHY 4300 Pathophysiology of Disease
  • IPHY 4540 Biomechanics
  • IPHY 4580 Sleep Physiology
  • Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Courses
  • MCDB 1161 From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Lab (only applies to non-PreMed students)
  • MCDB 2150 Principles of Genetics (only applies to non-PreMed students)
  • MCDB 2161 From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Lab II (only applies to non-PreMed students)
  • MCDB 2171 Drug Discovery Through Hands-on Screens (only applies to non-PreMed students)
  • MCDB 3000 Synthetic Biology: Engineering Biomolecular Systems in the Laboratory
  • MCDB 3135 Molecular Biology
  • MCDB 3145 Cell Biology
  • MCDB 3150 Biology of the Cancer Cell
  • MCDB 3300 Personalized Medicine - Recent Advances in Diagnostics and Therapeutics
  • MCDB 3333 Biomed Innovations and Discoveries
  • MCDB 3350 Fertility, Sterility and Early Mammalian Development
  • MCDB 3450 Biological Data Science
  • MCDB 3501 Structural Methods for Biological Macromolecules
  • MCDB 3700 Poisons in Cell Biology and Society
  • MCDB 4105 Function of Cellular and Nuclear, Assemblies, and Machines
  • MCDB 4300 Immunology
  • MCDB 4312 Quantitative Optical Imaging
  • MCDB 4410 Human Molecular Genetics
  • MCDB 4420 Genetics of Brain and Behavior
  • MCDB 4425 Topics in Membrane Biology: Cell Biology, Physiology and Disease
  • MCDB 4426 Cell Signaling and Developmental Regulation
  • MCDB 4444 Cellular Basis of Disease
  • MCDB 4520 Bioinformatics and Genomics
  • MCDB 4615 Biology of Stem Cells
  • Additional General Technical Electives
  • "All courses within the following ranges count as general technical electives. For example, all courses between and including APPM 3000 and APPM 4999 count as general technical electives."
  • AIRR 3020 Only applies to ROTC Students
  • APPM 3000-4999
  • AREN 3000-4999
  • ASEN 3000-4999
  • ASTR 3000-4999
  • ATLS 3000-4999
  • ATOC 3000-4999
  • BCHM 3000-4999
  • BUSM 3000-4999
  • CHEM 3000-4999
  • CHEN 3000-4999
  • COEN 4830
  • CSCI 3000-4999
  • CVEN 3000-4999
  • EBIO 3000-4999
  • ECEN 3000-4999
  • ENEN 3000-4999
  • EVEN 3000-4999
  • EMEN 3000-4999
  • GEOL 3000-4999
  • IPHY 3000-4999
  • MATH 3000-4999
  • MCDB 3000-4999
  • MCEN 3000-4999
  • MILR 3000-4999
  • NAVR 3000-4999
  • PHYS 3000-4999

Last updated Nov. 3, 2023

BIEN 4802 – Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices

CHEN 4838– Special Topics - Immunoengineering

CHEN 4838– Special Topics - Fundamentals of Biotechnology

CHEN 4838– Special Topics - Drug Delivery

ECEN 4111 – Engineering Applications in Biomedicine: Cardiovascular Devices and Systems

ECEN 4121 – Design of Implantable Medical Devices: Neuromodulation

ECEN 4933 – Engineering Genetic Circuits

MCEN 4127 – Biomedical Ultrasound

MCEN 4157 – Modeling of Human Movement

MCEN 4171 – Biofluids on the Micro Scale

MCEN 4228 – Special Topics: Fluid Mechanics in the Human Body

MCEN 4228 – Special Topics: Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Repair

MCEN 4113 – Mechanics of Cancer

Last updated March 12, 2024

BME Approved Engineering Technical Electives

Course Number Title

  • ASEN 1403    Intro to Rocket Engineering 
  • ASEN 4128    Human Factors in Engineering and Design        
  • BMEN 4840    Independent Study (must apply) - 6 credits max   
  • COEN 3930    Internship Credit (must apply) - 6 credits max   
  • CHEN 3210    Chemical Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer    
  • CHEN 4460    Polymer Engineering    
  • CHEN 4820    Biochemical Separations   
  • CHEN 4838    Special Topic: Immunoengineering   (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • CHEN 4838    Special Topic: Drug Delivery (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)     
  • CSCI 2270    Data Structures   
  • CSCI 3104    Algorithms    
  • CSCI 3352    Biological Networks   
  • CSCI 3702    Cognitive Science   
  • CSCI 4118    Software Engineering for Scientists    
  • CVEN 4511/5511    Intro to Finite Element Method     
  • ECEN 1400    Intro to Digital and Analog Electronics    
  • ECEN 2250    Intro to Circuits and Electronics (only applies to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)   
  • ECEN 2260    Circuits as Systems (only applies to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)   
  • ECEN 2270    Electronics Design Lab (only applied to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)   
  • ECEN 2350    Digital Logic    
  • ECEN 3250    Microelectronics   
  • ECEN 3400    Electromagnetic Fields and Waves   
  • ECEN 3730    Practical Printed Circuit Boards          
  • GEEN 1400    Engineering Projects   
  • GEEN 2400     Engineering Projects for the Community   
  • GEEN 3400    Invention and Innovation       
  • MCEN 2023    Statics and Structures (only applies to Pre-Med Bioinstrumentation track)   
  • MCEN 2043    Dynamics   
  • MCEN 2063    Mechanics of Solids (only applies to Pre-Med Bioinstrumentation track)   
  • MCEN 3021    Fluid Mechanics   
  • MCEN 4110    Regenerative Bio/Tissue Repair     (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4127/5127    Biomedical Ultrasound   (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4157/5157    Modeling of Human Movement    (FOCUSED ELECTIVE)
  • MCEN 4174    Failure of Engineering Materials   
  • MCEN 4193/5193    Design of Coffee    
  • MCEN 4195/5195    Bioinspired Robotics       
  • MCEN 4228/5228    Special Topics: Practical Electronics     
  • MSEN 5430    Transmission Electron Microscopy    
  • MSEN 5470    Materials Composition and Structure   
  • RecommendedNon-EngineeringTechnicalElectives:        
  • BCHM 4400    Core Concepts in Physical Chemistry for Biochemists     
  • BCHM 4611    Principles of Biochemistry (only applies to Industry Track)    
  • IPHY 3410    Intro to Human Anatomy    
  • IPHY 3415    Human Anatomy Lab    
  • IPHY 3430    Intro to Human Physiology    
  • IPHY 3490    Introduction to Epidemiology     
  • IPHY 4060    Cell Physiology       
  • IPHY 4540    Biomechanics    
  • IPHY 4580    Sleep Physiology    
  • MCDB 1161    From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Lab (only applies to non-PreMed students)    
  • MCDB 2150    Principles of Genetics (only applies to non-PreMed students)    
  • MCDB 3000    Synthetic Biology: Engineering Biomolecular Systems in the Laboratory 
  • MCDB 3135    Molecular Biology    
  • MCDB 3145    Cell Biology    
  • MCDB 3150    Biology of the Cancer Cell    
  • MCDB 3333    Biomed Innovations and Discoveries    
  • MCDB 4312    Quantitative Optical Imaging    
  • MCDB 4410    Human Molecular Genetics    
  • MCDB 4426    Cell Signaling and Developmental Regulation    
  • MCDB 4444    Cellular Basis of Disease    
  • MCDB 4615    Biology of Stem Cells   

Last updated March 12, 2024

Engineering Electives

  • Course Number Title
  • ASEN 1400 Gateway to Space
  • ASEN 5016 Space Life Sciences
  • ASEN 5226 Medicine in Space and Surface Environments
  • BMEN 4840 Independent Study (must apply) - 6 credits max
  • COEN 3930 Internship Credit (must apply) - 6 credits max
  • CHEN 3200 Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics
  • CHEN 4802 Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices
  • CHEN 4805 Biomaterials
  • CHEN 4830 Chemical Engineering Biokinetics
  • CHEN 4450 Polymer Chemistry
  • CSCI 2270 Computer Science 2: Data Structures
  • CSCI 3104 Algorithms
  • CSCI 3352 Biological Networks
  • ECEN 2250 Intro to Circuits and Electronics (only applies to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)
  • ECEN 2260 Circuits as Systems (only applies to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)
  • ECEN 2270 Electronics Design Lab (only applies to Pre-Med Biomechanics Track)
  • ECEN 2350 Digital Logic
  • ECEN 3320 Semiconductor Devices
  • ECEN 3250 Microelectronics
  • ECEN 3400 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • ECEN 3730 Practical Printed Circuit Boards
  • ECEN 4111 Engineering Applications in Biomedicine: Cardiovascular Devices and Systems
  • ECEN 4341 Bioelectromagnetics
  • ECEN 4395 Organic Electronic Materials and Devices
  • GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects
  • GEEN 2400 Engineering Projects for the Community
  • GEEN 3400 Invention and Innovation
  • MCEN 2023 Statics and Structures (only applies to Pre-Med Bioinstrumentation track)
  • MCEN 2043 Dynamics
  • MCEN 2063 Mechanics of Solids (only applies to Pre-Med Bioinstrumentation track)
  • MCEN 3021 Fluid Mechanics
  • MCEN 4113 Mechanics of Cancer
  • MCEN 4133/5133 Intro to Tissue Biomechanics (only applies to Pre-Med Bioinstrumentation track)
  • MCEN 4171 Biofluids on the Micro Scale
  • MCEN 4193/5193 Design of Coffee
  • MCEN 4195/5195 Bioinspired Robotics
  • MCEN 4228 Special Topics: Design for Inclusion
  • MCEN 4231/5231 Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • MCEN 4228 Special Topics: Fluid Mechanics in the Human Body
  • MSEN 2000 Materials in Technology
  • NON-Engineering Electives
  • Course Number Title
  • APPM 3050 Scientific Computing
  • BCHM 4400 Core Concepts in Physical Cemical for Biochemists
  • BCHM 4611 Principles of Biochemistry (only applies to Industry Track)
  • ENES 3430 Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • IPHY 3410 Human Anatomy
  • IPHY 3415 Human Anatomy Lab
  • IPHY 3430 Human Physiology
  • IPHY 3490 Introduction to Epidemiology
  • IPHY 4060 Cell Physiology
  • IPHY 4300 Pathophysiology of Disease
  • IPHY 4540 Biomechanics
  • IPHY 4580 Sleep Physiology
  • MCDB 1161 From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Laboratory 1 (only applies to non-PreMed students)
  • MCDB 2150 Principles of Genetics (only applies to non-PreMed students)
  • MCDB 2161 From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Lab II (only applies to non PreMed students)
  • MCDB 3000 Synthetic Biology: Engineering Biomolecular Systems in the Laboratory
  • MCDB 3135 Molecular Biology
  • MCDB 3145 Cell Biology
  • MCDB 3300 Personalized Medicine- Recent Advances in Diagnostics and Therapeutics
  • MCDB 3450 Biological Data Science
  • MCDB 3501 Structural Methods for Biological Macromolecules
  • MCDB 3700 Poisons in Cell Biology and Society
  • MCDB 4425 Topics in Membrane Biology: Cell Biology, Physiology, and Diseases
  • MCDB 4444 Cellular Bases of Disease

Request enrollment in engineering department restricted courses

Last updated 11/6/2023

Advising & Curriculum (2024)


What is advising as teaching? ›

The central idea of “Advising as Teaching” is to frame advising with goals very analogous to those that enable and propel good teaching. Some examples of such goals are: - Help students learn how to frame good questions and to articulate a process for answering them.

Is teaching the same as advising? ›

Teaching and advising both reflect an ongoing process requiring two way communication between student and teacher or student and adviser. Effective teaching and effective advis- ing reflect a developmental relationship that focuses on the needs and personal growth requirements of the student/advisee.

What are examples of advising skills? ›

For example:
  • Employ active listening techniques.
  • Ask effective questions.
  • Encourage student reflection.
  • Demonstrate effective presentation skills.
  • Exhibit effective written and email communication.
  • Communicate effectively across cultural differences.

What is the difference between coaching and academic advising? ›

Both academic advisors and academic coaches are invested in your success. Coaching helps you build the skills you need to succeed and thrive, while advising keeps you on the path to success and helps you meet every administrative requirement.

What is the purpose of advising? ›

An advisor may provide assistance in helping a student learn how to make practical academic plans and decisions, how to discover a range of options available to the student, based on the student's stated goals, and how to think through the consequences of the student's own choices.

What does a teacher advisor do? ›


A New Teacher Advisor provides assistance to Participating Teachers in meeting the 2042 Induction Standards and in advancing their skills and knowledge of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession through coaching and classroom observation.

What is an example of advising? ›

to give someone advice:
  • [ + to infinitive ] I think I'd advise him to leave the company.
  • [ + that ] They're advising that children be kept at home.
  • [ + -ing verb ] I'd advise waiting until tomorrow.
  • [ + question word ] She advised us when to come.

What is the difference between an advisor and an instructor? ›

The important aspect — and where teaching is different from advising — is the intent. Advising is all about getting results now, while teaching does not worry about impact right away. It is more long-term focused. You can teach in lots of different situations.

What are the different advising styles? ›

Advising Approaches
  • General Advising Approaches:
  • Learning Centered Academic Advising:
  • Intrusive or Proactive Advising:
  • Socratic Advising:
  • Hermeneutic and Narrative Advising:

What are the 3 key skills required for being advisor for your client? ›

Top Skills Mentioned in Resumes

Communication Skills, Collaboration, and Social Media represent a very decent share of skills found on resumes for Client Advisor with 26.48% of the total.

What is the skill of advising? ›

Advisors create rapport with students through the use of interpersonal techniques such as: active listening, expressions of empathy, demonstrating positive regard and empowerment, providing clear and accurate information, using questioning, challenging, and reflecting techniques, etc.

What is the aim of advising? ›

Goals of Advising

Advisors encourage self‐reliance by helping students make informed and responsible decisions and set realistic goals. Advisors see the goal of higher education as an introduction to the world of ideas, professional development and lifetime critical thinking skills.

What is the difference between mentoring and advising? ›

Mentoring will involve career development, psychosocial de- velopment, personal development, and leadership empowerment and advising will involve leadership learning around responsibilities of a leadership position or organizational need.

Are advising and counseling the same? ›

A counselor is a faculty member as well as a master's degree-level professional trained in counseling. Counselors also work with faculty and staff as consultants and trainers. An academic advisor is a professional staff or faculty member trained to assist students with academic planning.

What is the difference between a life coach and an advisor? ›

Unlike a coach, who asks questions and listens a lot, the advisor asks few questions and talks a lot. A coach works with a client to unleash the client's potential and improve his performance.

What is advisory education? ›

In simple terms, an advisory class is a class that focuses on social emotional learning and building community. Its purpose is to support students in non academic subjects by establishing meaningful connections with a small group of peers and their teacher.

What is an example of an advising statement? ›

I will support students in achieving their goals by offering assistance with academic planning, counseling, and resource referral as appropriate. I will also encourage students to think of college as a holistic experience as opposed to just an opportunity for academic learning in the classroom.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.